Hey Family!
Oh my this weekend has been a huge suprise, whirlwind, rollercoaster
ride... so much fun!!
Transfer calls: S. Kaufusi got called on Friday afternoon informing
her that she was leaving to Central Point. I heard her say, "when do I
leave?" I was super sad to hear this. Then she handed the phone to me.
The AP then said that I was going to be transferred too!! This is my
2nd area that has closed for sisters and opened for elders (it has
been a Santa Clara part 2). I think I am bad luck for things like
this. haha. He then told me that I would be pinkwashing and taking
over the office elders area in Eugene. I also would be training a new
missionary. (btw the church has asked that we no longer use the word
"greenie" instead call them new missionaries.) I freaked out when he
told me that!!!! I felt so overwelmed, nervous, anxious, excited and
just dumbfounded really. I couldn't believe that I would get
transferred again. This will make it my 5th area and 7th comp. The
office elders are no longer really helping too much in the office, so
me and my comp will get to help out... maybe I will be doing stuff
like Cedar. Who knows, I am just happy to do what the Lord wants me to
do. The more I think about it, the more I am just happy to work hard
and have more miracles in Eugene. I feel good about it. I know that
PYoung is an inspired man. My whole mission I have served with sisters
that have been older in the mission or ones that came out with me. I
have learned a lot and I hope I can teach the new missionary how to
have fun and work hard in the OEM. It will be great. Oh yeah, I leave
today at 10:30!! I go to Eugene to the mission home and do training
with PYoung. The new missionaries will come tomorrow and we will teach
and mingle with them. PYoung will not assign our comp until after we
meet with all the new missionaries!! Wow, all off of inspiration and
revelation. It will be good. I am excited. Your prayers would be
great. :)
I was able to go to Medford Temple to see Randy and Charlene sealed.
What an amazing experience. They asked me to sit with them and act as
family cause none of their family are members. I felt special and
happy to be there for them. They were just glowing. The promises given
in the sealing were absolutely amazing. I am so excited to be sealed
some day! After the sealing we went over to the Baskins (I lived with
them in Central Point) and had pizza and just visited. 2 of the
missionaries that taught them came back, S. Kaufusi, S. Rose and S.
Losee. It was great to be with all of them. I'm so glad I got to do
I am glad I got to serve in Myrtle Creek. I have learned so much from
this area, ward and my comp. I will miss this beautiful place. Not
sure if I would want to re-live this area, but I know that the things
that I went thru here will help me the rest of my life!!
We stopped by and said good bye to a lot of people. Delbert cried the
moment we told him we were leaving. He got out his guitar and sang us
a song. I recorded it.. you can listen to it when i am home. We also
said goodbye to Destiny, Rebecca and others that we taught.
I love this work. I know that Heavenly Father listens to me and hears
my prayers. I love being a missionary. I am happy as can be!!!! I love
you all!! Miss you all!!!
Love Sister Glasgow XOXO