I Love letters! Write me at:

55 W. 29th Ave. Ste. A
Eugene, OR 97405
or email me @ aubrey.glasgow@myldsmail.net

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One week left!

Well hello family and friends! It is good to write home and tell you all of the wonderful experiences that i am having here at the MTC! I love it more and more as I am learning more about our Savior and my purpose as a missionary. This week we really tried to focus on the baptism side of it. This kinda freaks me out, but we learned of ways that it doesn't have to be scary and that people find comfort in knowing what we are doing right off the bat! So I had an amazing fireside last night. Elder Pace from the seventy came and spoke with us. I don't think I have ever felt the spirit so strong in my entire life. He asked that the talk not be recorded because of the sacred nature. He was able to create a setting in which we can all FEEL that our Savior loves us. I just bawled afterwards as I pondered the things that he said. He asked us what we would say to Christ when we die and who we would meet... deep questions of the soul. It struck me and I just offered my gratitude to my savior. I couldn't do this without his help! He also spoke of a time when he went to the spirit world and pictured a beautiful place. It made me homesick for heaven... I want that soooo bad! I want all of my family to be there with me and I KNOW without a doubt that it is possible! So today is PDAY yippeee! I got to do laundry and I have been writing some letters. I also get to go to the temple again. Last week I went through a session, man what a refresher from all the busy work that I do here, it was a nice change. On sundays we get to walk around the temple grounds before or after lunch... again nice change of scenery! It is crazy that I have been gone for only 2 weeks! I have learned so many teaching skills like listening, asking questions, using the scriptures and being bold in my approaches. WOW. I couldn't do it with out the Savior and the many prayers on my behalf! I have felt them all! So thank you so much! Yes, I have been getting letters on dearelder... they seriously make my day and make me shed a couple of tears-- I miss you all so much!! My shoes are comfortable... i hate hoes with the passion! They slide down ALL THE TIME Hahahha! My comp is doing TONS better, I love her so much and I just pray everyday for her that the day will be better than the one before an it is working. I spoke to my branch pres yesterday and he said that my converting has already begun in thee MTC, most missionaries don't start till the field, I thought that was kinda funny! I am eating much better, but yes keeping the salad bar my number one choice! They have great variety, plus the wraps are amazing! Dad- I probably should keep my ipod at home for now, not sure what the rules are with my mission pres and music, but thank you for the offer! Glad that you got my card and happy that you had a good bday! I love you so much!!! Please plan a hike to revis ranch when I get home! I soooo wanna do that! I have lost a total of 9 lbs... my pants are a little saggy, but nothing to be too concerned about :) Brighten and Rodney I am super sad that my car is sold, but glad that we don't have to worry about that. Did everything go okay with getting it sold? THANK YOU!! Cedars letter from the first day was a handwritten letter! Whoo hoo! I wrote him back so hopefully he will get it soon! Yesterday I had an Elder come and ask me if I was Native American,,, Hahahah I am pretty much the tannest one here, little whities here in Provo. BTW it is freezing here. It still snows every couple of days. Jaydee Bennion gets to the MTC today! I am excited to look for her, she is going to Spain! I had the opportunity to teach an investigator-- simulated I guess, but my comp and I invited her to be baptized and she said YES!!! Omg it was a great moment for me and I know that i can do it! Brighten and Rodney I am jealous that you are going to hawaii, eat lots of pineapple for me! One of the elders in my district- elder Roper went home last week. He got shot with a roman candle by his brother a couple months ago and so he has to go get surgery before he gets out into the field. He was hilarious and never was focused. we all miss him, but we can all focus a little more on our studies! haha. So I leave on Tuesday morning! I am the travel coordinator, yes I will wake up on time and I will not leave anyone behind like Cedar haha! My plane leaves at 8:39am for Portland and then a transfer flight to eugene, I will get there about 11:30! I will probably call before 8:30 hopefully, mom let me know what phone to use and I am guessing you will say to use the house phone yeah? The skirts I wear are so comfortable but I am glad I get to have gym everyday. I really love shooting the hoops and beating my elders at horse, they have yet to beat me! haha either they are just horrible or I am good, I think I am just good :)! So how is home? What is so exciting there? Cannon you said there was an earthquake in Yuma and Mesa felt it-- crazy!! hollie cow! On Sunday I was nervous cause they pick someone from the pulpit to give the talks, you don't know until they announce. That morning I woke up and i knew that I was going to speak so I rehearsed with my comp my talk and of course who did they choose to speak.... ME! haha I was sooo glad that i wrote mine. It went well and I could tell that the things I was saying was from the spirit and from my heart. I was glad to do it but glad to get it over with! Hopefully I am safe from this week now! Alright, stop crying when you read my letters, everything is great with me! Don't worry about me, all i want is letters and prayers! I am so excited to get to Eugene and know that I will do great! I have confidence and the things that I have learned are so helpful! I know that our Savior died for us. He has his arms opened wide so that when we need him he is always there, repentance is an amazing thing! I love you all! Keep up all the good work. Mom I will write you a more detailed letter! Boys you too :) I love the gospel and am so excite to share my testimony! Take care and you are all in my prayers! Go forward with faith :)

Sister Glasgow

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