This just in... Sister Glasgow is getting transferred.... but no one knows where she is going!!!!
Yep, it is true, I am leaving Central Point. I am really bummed to leave. This area has been amazing and i am going to miss all the wonderful people and the fun times that I have had!! It served me well to be here for 4 months! It is time to go though.
On Tuesday we had zone conference. President came up to all the sisters after wards and said, pointing to Sister Smith "You are getting transferred!" We were all so sad, but then he proceeded to say, "but don't worry, you won't be the only one going up on the van....... (pointing to me) Sister Glasgow will be going as well!" I was shocked. I am pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor! But it is interesting... the moment president said that, I felt peace and I knew that I needed to go to my new area. I leave on Wednesday morning at 10am. The new sister is coming on Tuesday night at 7pm. I have been packing and trying to get things all in order before I leave. I am glad that I am not too attracted to this place, cause it would be much harder to leave. I haven't even cried-- yet :)!!
So I will let you know where I get send to next week, along with all the info about my new comp, area and wards, cause right now I have no clue. I just know that it will be wonderful!!
Zone Conference was amazing!! I swear President is so dead on when he speaks. He has the gift on discernment and knows what we all need to hear. This is something that I have been praying for, it is slowly coming. Side note-- last night we had dinner at the Alfords house. There son and daughter in-law came over too. Derek is less active and April is an investigator. We taught her a while back, but she wasn't progressing, so we haven't taught her for a couple months. Anyways, I gave the thought last night and I we had planned to talk about the gospel of jesus Christ, but that is not what came out of my mouth. I was led to a couple verses in 1 Nephi and told her that when we have the desire, we can see hear and feel what we want. Just like Nephi desired to know what his father saw in the vision. And then I told her that Heavenly Father loves us and we don't know the meaning of everything. It was powerful and I came out the appointment in awe. I love experiences like that where the spirit testifies through me and I was strengthened.-- back to president, Every time he speaks the spirit is just so strong. He told us that Elder Bednar is going to be the Apostle coming to our mission on September 11th! I am so excited! We practices a lot about beginning to teach people. It was so great! Role plays rock!! They are so awesome and the spirit is so strong in a room full of missionaries. It makes me want to be better and work so much harder when I see them all working towards their goals and they are the same as mine. It is great.
This week the work was a little slow. We don't have any solid investigators, but LOTS of potential. We find lots of people each day, but they won't keep their appointments. Tonight we have an appointment with 3 investigators. We will see how that pans out. These people are amazing!
We had a lesson on Monday night over at Bishops house. He invited Nate and Heidi Baker over for swimming, dessert and a FHE lesson taught by us :). Nate is not a member. We taught about the Restoration and I invited Nate to be baptized on sept 18th. He decline. I think my jaw dropped then. I was so devastated, but not disappointed. I still kept my head up and we talked about his concerns. He says that he has some goals to meet, and that he is not ready. He will get baptized but not that soon. It was a bummer, but we are still meeting with him and I know he will understand the importance of it.
Went on exchanges with Sister Thain, she is in the yellow shirt, me in the red. She is a sweetheart!! I went to her area in White City and Eagle Point. We spent the day near Shady cove with her Ward mission leader. We visited a lot of less actives. all in all it was a great day!!!
Just as Cedar said in his last email last week that one of the members got up and condemned the congregation for not helping, we had a similar situation. This sister spoke about missionary work. She talked about how when we have the missionaries over they never gave referrals and she felt guilty cause they weren't working with anyone. She recommitted herself and told everyone to start praying cause when we seek we find, we need to act on the things that we are asking. It was great.
We played soccer this morning with the Elders. It was so much fun!! I have missed playing since being here. My ankle is finally feeling better and it didn't hurt me too bad when I played.
I want you all to know how much I love and appreciate all that you do for me. Keep up the good work!! I hope that school has finally settled in and that the weeks are great! I know without a doubt that when we honestly want a new talent or ability or an answer to a prayer we can ask, it will be granted to us. Have faith, be strong and of a good courage. The Lord is there always. :)
Love Sister Glasgow
Can't wait to write and tell you where I will be... kinda nervous, but it will be a great new exciting experience... it always is :)
ahhh, aubs i stinkin miss you!
ReplyDeleteAubrey I can't read your blog without cryinG, what the heck! You are so incredible, im excited for the people in your new area! They are so lucky to have you. Matt and I moved into a new apartment this past week and I was going through some things and found a little note from you. I am lucky to have had such a beautiful person (you:)) in my life. I pray for you always and hope you know how much I love you! Thanks for the encouraging words!