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Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011

This week was pretty amazing.
We had some sweet lessons with Jon Cannon. He had been really scared
to get baptized and we couldn't really figure out why. Well, we talked
about the priesthood, bore our testimonies and promised him blessings.
Sister Losee and I were on exchanges at that lesson and we invited him
to be baptized, again!! haha. He said he wanted to fast again and come
to stake conference. We said alright and left. Jon came to Stake
conference and had a great time. During the conference, Elder Jensen,
from the Seventy, spoke about many great insights on how we can KNOW
something is true. One of which he talked about John 7:17, if any man
will do his will, he shall KNOW of the doctrine. He said that
sometimes people will fast, whether it be for a job, help with school
or someone struggling to know if they should be baptized on a
particular day. Fasting is a way for us to do his will and KNOW of the
doctrine. My eyes started to water the second he said that. I was so
grateful that Jon came and felt the spirit. President and Sister
MacDonald also spoke. Pres told about a family that had been taught
several times and finally he asked them, "You have had so many
witnesses and answers, the Lord is only going to give you so many
times to listen." Jon felt that President was talking directly to him.
Anyways, after many weeks of inviting Jon to follow Christ, he will be
baptized on Thursday night. It is a miracle!! I am so excited for him!
Along with all the other missionaries that have taught him over the
past 2 years.
More from Stake Conference... Elder Jensen also talked about how we
can KNOW by their fruits (Matt 7) and by the Spirit (Moroni 10:5) I
was really grateful for that talk. We can know if things are true and
right. God wants us to know how to return. These 3 ways are how I have
seen a lot of answers to questions I have had. I know things are real
and right thru these ways. President Carlile gave an excellent talk
about parking lots. He said that he was helping direct people into the
parking lot when they held the open house to the Portland Temple. He
loved feeling in charge and in control of things. As he was in the
parking lot he felt a lot of peace and happiness. He then started to
notice that every person that would return from the temple had bright
smiling faces. He wanted that more than the parking lot. At the end of
the night, he finally had the opportunity to go thru and feel and see
what everyone was so happy about. He explained that sometimes the
parking lot is fun, but we need to go further than the parking lot and
get to the greater things in life-- the temple being one of those
things. I felt so uplifted as I listened and received answers to
questions that I had and it helped me to feel more motivated to go out
and work harder.
Huck and Katherine Thomas along with their 2 kids also came. They are
the family that has been coming to church in a different ward for the
last several months. They enjoyed it and we get to meet with them
tomorrow night again. I'm excited for them to progress towards
Sister Abbott goes home next Tuesday... I can't believe that!! Holy
smokes! Today we went to the mall and she bought an outfit for her
homecoming talk... talk about a trunky day for all 5 of us sisters (we
met up with the sisters in Corvallis too). We had a fun, long day of
shopping. That was more tiring than missionary work. Glad I don't get
to shop anymore haha.
Josh Cline is getting baptized at the end of the month!! Woo hoo!! He
is 9 years old and when we went back this week to teach, he took out
his earring. He wants to follow Christ and he knew that he shouldn't
be wearing it. He is soooo smart! I love hearing his prayers.
So we hear about the earthquake. We had big waves on the coast, I
guess. Last night we had a huge terrible wind storm... someone said a
tornado hit down in Lebanon, but I don't really believe them, gossip
from small town to small town. We didn't have power from 2pm- 10pm,
huge trees were falling down and lots of havoc thru the mountain
areas. We were safe though. We taught Jon last night and he lit up
his oil lamps. It made me think of President Monsons talk from
conference and being grateful. I hate being without light, but so
grateful for the nice things that I get to enjoy, even if they didn't
work for a few hours ;)
I love you all. I am so happy to be here as a missionary. Each day I
am here, it makes me so grateful to be learning from my trials and get
to be apart of some amazing miracles!! Have a great week, spring break

Love Sister Glasgow XOXO

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