We all met together for Zone Conference for one last goodbye to
President and Sister MacDonald. I'm SOOO SAD that they are leaving!! I
cried and cried. We had a great meeting with them. We sang God Be With
you Till we Meet Again for the closing song. We all turned and faced
PMac. It was so hard to sing that song. We were all in tears. We got
to give PMac a hug before they left. I am so grateful that I got to
spend the bulk of my mission with them. They have changed my life in
more ways than I can even imagine. I am so grateful for the wonderful
servants of the Lord they are and I will remember them forever. I'm
glad they only live in UT so I will get to see them again. :)
After the conf I got to go say hi to my RC, Lehenekr!!! It was so good
to see her. She hasn't been going to church cause she doesn't feel
worthy cause of her struggle with suicide. I bore my testimony and
told her she needed to go back to church. It was hard to see her not
doing so well. I hope that gives her a little push in the right
direction. It was so crazy to be back in my first area in Central
Point. It felt like I hadn't been there in years!! It brought back so
many fun memories of my greenie days. :) Ones that I probably wouldn't
want to go back too. We also got to go on exchanges, yep I went with
S. Nelson of course. We had a blast again. I can't get enough of that
girl. We do missionary work so well together, it kills me that we
aren't comps anymore. She is great!!
S. Kaufusi and I are staying together for another transfer. Her little
sister got her mission call to Washington last week and they will miss
each other by 2 weeks. She is super sad that she won't be able to see
her for 3 years. I'm glad I get to work with her still. We have a lot
to do together and I'm ready for the good and the bad.
So we found this lady Janice this week. She came to church yesterday
and I thought she was gonna jump out of her seat and start praising
Jesus! She kept saying amen and hallelujah! haha. I love this lady!
She calls me Smiles. She was taught about 6 months ago and is now in a
place for her to really progress in the gospel. She has such a strong
testimony of Jesus Christ and recognizes the spirit all the time. We
are excited to continue to teach her!
We also began teaching this boy Coda, also a former investigator. He
told us that he was scared to get baptized cause he didn't want to
make a mistake. I'm so grateful that we were able to find out his
concerns, teach to his needs and help him understand the importance of
repentance in each of our lives.
Delbert got his divorce papers, so we are on the next step with him.
We stopped by the other day and saw this man crawling down the street.
He was too drunk to stand up. Well about 5 minutes into talking with
Delbert, this guy was standing at my car window. It freaked me out so
bad!! He wanted to get inside the car. Good thing it was locked and my
window was up. Delbert yelled at him to step away from the car and go
home. Jeepers, it was kinda scary! I'm so glad that Delbert is
stepping away from that lifestyle and making a new, clear and happy
path.. the Saviors path.
This week has been better. The ward has started to give us people to
go see. I'm so glad that my knowledge of the gospel has increased each
day. I love his work and love the changes I experience. I love you
Love Sister Glasgow
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