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Monday, July 19, 2010

Holy Smokes!!!

Sister Abbott was transferred up to Sheridan, Wilimina area and the sister serving there just traded her place. Sister Longhurst is the new comp and she is awesome!!! She got hear on Tuesday night and we have been working so hard. I have been exhausted physically and spiritually since she has gotten here. We feel like the area in Central Point is just going to BOOM, as we would call it, in missionary work. Wow and this week has proven that! Last Sunday Bernice Bailey came to church. She is a 60 year old Native American. She is moving in a couple weeks and had expressed some interest in baptism. So we had an appointment with her on Friday and the spirit was wonderful! Wow the lesson was powerful. We committed her to be baptized on July 24th.... THIS SATURDAY. Wow she was so prepared and ready. The Lord answered our prayers. We have since had 2 other discussions, a chapel tour, she came to all 3 hours at church and we are meeting with her almost everyday this week before the baptism. The ward has fellowshipped her and really taken her in. She has a disease that is slowly killing her, so she is moving to Montana to be with some family and to die where her husband died. She is an amazing person, so full of love and I love her so much. What a wonderful lady that just knew that this was good and right. She recognized the spirit right off the bat, and didn't want that feeling to ever go away. Rewind a couple days... On Thursday we have our weekly planning. It usually takes about 3 hours or so and we make goals and set plans for how many lessons to investigators, recent converts, baptisms, that sort of thing. Well Sister Longhurst and I decided that we wanted to plan in the Medford Temple. So we totally planned in the temple!!!! Well in the Lobby, but still, we were able to feel the spirit and it was powerful! I loved being there and to feel the spirit. I knew that the goals we set where what Heavenly Father wanted us to help him do. Wow it was nuts!!! Alright rewind to Wednesday night... sorry this is all out of order, but you hopefully will see all the amazing things that happened :) So Wednesday night we always go to the Milhoans to have the NML with there son Mathew,16, who was baptized in November. So we were teaching the last lesson and we decided to do it through the talk, Never, Never, Never give up. I had this overwhelming feeling and knew that we needed to invite there family to have missionaries over to there house so we could teach a new family or person...... Well it just so happens that Tony, the middle son of the Milhoans who is 21 has a gf Kayla. I knew that we needed to invite this girl to take the lessons. So we prayed all day that she would be softened to the message. When we got the house, Kayla and Tony said they would come in for the lesson. The spirit was very present and I invited her to learn more. Her eyes lit up and she felt good about it. Wow it was cool. So we set up a time on Saturday.... This brings us to Friday... so after the whole appointment with Bernice, we head over to Vicky Longans house, she is a less active so we thought a fellowshipper would be perfect for her... we invited Sister Milhoan. Anyways the lesson was on Tithing and Fasting. Sister Milhoan expressed to Vicky how fasting was something she had a testimony about. She expressed to us that her and her husband had been fasting for Kayla since November, that her heart would be open and that she would be invited to take the lessons and accept. I had no idea that this happened and that Sister Milhoan was able to receive an answer to her prayers through us. Cool. So Saturday we had our appointment with Kayla at the Milhoans. We had a lesson on the Restoration, Gods Love, The Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. i can't even express how amazing the lesson was. The whole Milhoan family, Kayla, I and Sister Longhurst were all in tears. The spirit all touched our hearts and Kayla recognized the peace and happiness that the gospel brings. We invited her to be baptized on August 7th and she accepted!!! We are continuing to pray for her, and I know that this girl is ready. She knows that this is good and right. To complicate things, her mom and dad are alcoholics and her dad pulled out a gun on her that night. The Milhoans took in her younger brother, mom and Kayla. Anyways...... they are safe and getting help. No one was hurt, but she is just not in a good situation. Satan is going to push on her more than ever. Pray for her!!!
The work is going to skyrocket. We are asking EVERYONE for referrals and we have gotten many since we have been doing that. Our lessons have been lead by the spirit and we are constantly planning. We had the opportunity to have a lesson with Buddy from the Philippeans. It jsut so happens that Bro. Marre in the ward went to the Philippeans on his mission and told us about Buddy and so Sister Abbott and I tried to contact him a couple times, but never got a hold of him. Sister Longhurst and I met him and we set up an appointment, he canceled on us so we went over to his house on Saturday night. Brother Marre told us to come over if we got ahold of his so he could translate from Togalac to English. Buddy was home, we brought him over to the Marres, and we had a lesson about the Book of Mormon. Buddy said he would read, pray, study and then get back to us. We didn't let him get away that easy, the Marre's are out of town for a week so they told us that they would schedule a time with him to come over and ask him how his experience worked out. Cool stuff. We also tracted into a lady, Mary a couple weeks back. She had talked to missionaries before, well we were looking at the former investigators and decided that this Mary would be a good one to go to, it was cool though cause the address was completely different, she moved and we found her!!! We went over to the house again and talked with her husband, he said to come back on Sunday. We went last night and it was awesome! We told them about the restoration, book of mormon and invited them to church, the baptism and the ward pioneer day party on Saturday. they were excited. WE are going back to there house on Wednesday.
Anyways that was a lot of info, but the work is amazing here!!! It feels right, good happy and just awesome!! I love Sister Longhurst, she has taught me SOOOO much. she is so cheery and happy and makes me happy and it is just fun. We work hard, make plans and set our goals high that help us stretch. i am so happy right now, I am out of that rut that I was in for a while. I love being a missionary. The feeling of bringing others unto Christ is amazing. My prayers have been answered so many times this last week and are continuing to be answered. Know that I love you all!! I hope that you can find the tape recorder!!!! I feel so good being here, so sorry if I was negative in the tape, know that I love you all and I hope you have a fantastic week!!!!!!!

XOXXOO Love, Sister Glasgow

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