Hello from Central Point, Oregon! Man is it hot over here! I feel like I am in AZ!! This week was alright. Man the mission has highs and lows and this week was kinda in the middle... :) Sister Abbott is getting transferred to a new area next Tuesday or so, so I have a week to learn all I can from her before she leaves. I started to panic this week about her leaving and broke down and just wanted to cry. I love her a lot, even though we have our differences. We have had some great times together and I just wish her the best when she leaves. My district leader, Elder Peterson and one of the zone leaders are also getting transferred.... Everyone is leaving me!!! ahhh!! I know that the Lord will bless me, he never stops blessing us.
I was able to get a little taste of how it would be without S. Abbott here on Monday night till Tuesday cause we went on exchanges. Sister Thain from White City and Eagle point came down to stay with me while S. Abbott went to her area. I was so nervous the whole day before she came. I just prayed that the Lord would guide me to people to teach and words to say. We didn't find any new investigators, but I was able to have a clear mind and people that we needed to visit just worked out well. Sister Thain is REALLY shy, so I totally had to step it up and get her kinda out of her comfort zone a little bit. That reminds me... S. Abbott showed me a picture of the word Comfort zone and drew a circle around it. Outside of the comfort zone she wrote miracle all surrounding in it. We truly learn to step out of our comfort zones and then we can see all the miracles that come.
Miranda and Mondo had to cancel there appointment this week so we didn't get to see them. Lehenekr is doing great. The ward is going to get a fellowshipper to do the new member lessons with her. She has just totally changed. I love being able to see her and feel the spirit she carries with her. She is still being really sneaky and has us write down scriptures to study to help her roommate Vicky come back to church. Randy and Charlene Nelson invited us over for dinner on Thursday night. They talked to us about missionary work and left US with a challenge. They told us to ask the people we knock on doors about what there favorite passage of scripture is... I thought that was so cool that they would issue that challenge to us!!
Zone Conference is tomorrow!!!! I can't wait for it! S. Abbott and i are gonna show up in our stunna shades and shirts we made so we can show president.
Today we went to the natural bridge. Wow it was so beautiful!!! The Holbrooks took us there and we loved watching the water flow out and see all the beautiful trees. It is so relaxing to sit and listen to rushing water!!! We also went over to Laura Randalls house. She made us steak.. I haven't really been a fan of that, probably cause the time that aunt Michelle choked and spit it in my cup while she was visiting us in utah... don't deny it Michelle!! ahhaah. The steak was actually pretty tasty. I was SOOOOO glad that it was cooked ALL THE WAY... it wasn't mooing like I know some of you like it like that... Chase, Cannon, Crew :)
BTW... A little boy that sat in front of us at church yesterday totally was reading an Astrix comic book... hahaha the good old days of watching that movie!! It made me laugh.
This week at District Meeting S. Abbott challenged each of us to pick a day to be happy ALL DAY. I chose to do this the past couple days actually... wow what a difference it makes. I was suprised how good it made me feel and helped me not feel so overwelmed, selfish, negative....etc.
Last night we sat on the balcony above our apartment and watched the fireworks while we drank cream soda and wrote our weekly letter to pres. Wow we are living the life here!! We even got to see lots of fireworks... crazy how last year we were at Lego Land in teh parking lot watching fireworks.... plus Morgan and Colten got engaged taht day too!!!!
Anyways this week we tracted over 12 hours and we haven't added any to our teaching pool. It is discouraging to not have many investegators, but I know that the Lord is preparing people and if anything I am growing from the trials and everyday things that happen on the mission.
This week I felt like Enos when his "soul hungered." I felt a huge need to pray more sincere and earnest. I know that the Lord answers prayers. Here is an experience I had. I had an off day this week and when we came home to have lunch I found a letter from Gramma Glasgow on our doorstep. She gave me words of encouragement and that was just what I needed. I had been praying for some comfort or good feelings to lift me up out of the gloom. Then later that day we stopped by a sisters house in the ward, who totally reminds me of Gramma Glasgow, to use the restroom. She asked me if I ever felt discouraged. i thought it funny that she would ask me on that very day that I had felt discouraged. She told me to keep moving forward... basically the same things that the letter had said too. I just felt like the Lord knew exactly what to help me with and I saw my prayers answered through people. I truly know that people are a way that we can feel the love of our Heavenly Father. I am grateful that I can be an extension of that for people here. I know that we are being blessed and watched over. I hope you all have a fantastic week!!! I love you all!!
Love Sister Glasgow
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