Wow were do I even begin!!! Lehenekr Lechtnear was baptized on Saturday! Wow it was so awesome! Lehenekr has really bad knees (she is 61) and so we were nervous that she wouldn't be able to bend down. We thought about putting a chair in the font, or having her bend forward and push the back down into the water. But we prayed and I just kept praying that she would be able to just sit down in the water and have Brother Vitus take care of the rest. Brother Vitus is the Ward Mission Leader in the Goldhill Ward, he baptized her. Well Lehenekr got into the water down the steps and sat there and almost started to start sitting down without Brother Vitus saying the prayer.... haha she is so cute! She was like "Oh sorry, I will wait." We were also nervous cause the font didn't have that much water, so I just prayed that she would be fine. Everything worked out perfectly!!!! The spirit was so strong and I could see a change in her as soon as she came up out of the water. I can't remember the last time that I attended a baptism so this was great for me to see again. She was so happy and excited to be a member of the church!! The program was awesome! Two ward members gave the baptism and holy ghost talk. Sister Abbott played her ukulele while I sang Teach me to walk in the light. Lehenekr loves it when she plays and I sing so we thought this would be something special for her! I was filled with so much love and peace that day. These last couple weeks have been kind of rough. My comp hasn't been too positive and I tend to get down, but I was filled with the spirit that day and felt the confirmation again of why I am on a mission. I KNOW that I am needed here in Oregon. I was grateful to experience the joy of missionary work through a baptism. Don't get me wrong, every lesson, door knocked and people I talk to is definitely rewarding, but the baptism was just too cool!!!! I loved it so much! I have been pumped about finding new people! We have been teaching Miranda and Mondo Archuletta--- not related to David Archuleta though.... different spelling of the last names. They are 13 and 11 and are foster children to the Hibbards in the Central Point 1st ward. They started living with them about a month ago. Miranda had some questions about the church and so we had 2 appt with them last week and will see them again on Thursday. They are really shy, but starting to open up to us. We had Mondo read Amos 3:7 and we asked him what he thought that meant. Some people have a hard time comprehending the scriptures, but Mondo just gets it. He said "God calls prophets to speak to the people." Wow Sister Abbott and I were floored!! They are progressing well and I hope they will make the decision to get baptized. We told them to read the BOM and pray about Joseph Smith. The Hibbbards said that if they wanted to get baptized they could, so that was great news!!!
We had district meeting on Friday and it was cool, but different. The Elders were all so restless or something, but we all had a good time. Elder Peterson asked us to make swords out of paper so that we could write a message on them. We talked about Ammon and the people who buried there weapons of war. We did that too... kinda! We wrote down things that we wanted to get rid of, bad habits, negative thoughts or feelings. So then we marched into the gym and there was a little bowl full of dirt, so we all took our turns burying our little swords. We all got a laugh out of that! haha!
We went tracting this week and some guy flat out told us that we couldn't talk to him because he was "too drunk." I was grateful that he was so honest, most people beat around the bush and come up with lame excuses. hahah. Anyways tracting this week was alright. Lots of rejection and the weather is really hot! It is in the upper 90's. Everyone tells me that I should be used to it, but it is so darn humid here. It is totally different than the dry heat that I am used to.
Today we got to get pedicures. A lady in our ward works at the beauty school so we got them for free!! We also made shirts today that say Bite= Baptism... pictures will come next week of them!! Making them was a flashback from when I made them for Zickz Phlagz!!
I love you all and miss you! This week was great and I am looking forward to this week! I know that this is the Lords church. Wow my testimony has been strengthened by the baptism and i was grateful to be apart of it :) I know that baptism is the first step to be received into the highest kingdom. I am grateful that I can live with my family forever. I love talking about my family to people, and bear testimony that they can also receive the joy that comes from the living the gospel!! I hope you all have a wonderful week! I am praying for you all and thanks for all the letters and love!!!!
Love Sister Glasgow
1. Lehenekr, Sister Abbott and I after the baptism
2. Lehenekr and I after the baptism.... isn't my headband soooo cute!! We went to a yard sale and they had fabric so got some and made this cute flower for the baptism :)
3. Elder Peterson and Elder Leverton being funny at District Meeting, about to bury there weapons of war!! haha
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