Alright so this week was great! We taugh Lehenekr 4 times and got through almost all the lessons in order to be baptized. We had a little rough patch when her roomate yelled at us for talking to her about baptism, but everything was quickly smoothed out and it is all better! We went tracting this week and knocked on an 80 year old womans house. She told us that we were going to hell. Wow I was not expecting that at all. it was so rude and shocking that I thought she was joking. It threw us for a loop. We told her that we were sorry that she felt like that and we went on our way. She just stood outside her door and told us to leave! We knocked on the next houses and found a lady that wanted a book of mormon. We had a good talk with her and invited her to read and pray to know for herself. She is going to take the challenge and we are following up with her in the next couple weeks. I am so gratful for the times that someone gets mad or is rude and then we have good experiences on top of the bad ones. I know that heavenly father lets us feel a little bit of sorrow and sadness. Salvation is not a cheap price. The savior suffered pains and afflictions of everykind, so why would we even think for a second that we wouldn't have to feel any of that. Through the Savior we can be healed and comforted, but it is necessary for us to go through trials. They strengthen us and makes us appreciative! I am learning this a lot and have thought about this this week. Why do we go through trials. There is a great talk in the conference issue about Trials... Everything will work out for our good I think it is called. Anywyas I encourange you all to read it! I am so excited for this week and get to start of fresh and new and happy! I am glad that I get to be apart of the baptism on saturday and it will be a great experience! I love you all and miss you! Keep sending the love and support!!! Be happy and stay smiling always! Spread the good news wiht everyone! Don't let the good and bad moments pass you by! Faith in Jesus Christ is KEY!!! Have a great week and fun summer!! i love you all :)!! Enjoy these sweet pics of the beautiful sights in Oregon!!!!
Love Sister Glasgow XOXOXOXO
me at Crater Lake, Crater Lake scenery, me mucking stalls, drinking lithia water= blood + sprite. Oh wow it is so gross!!!!, Lithia park, me and Sister Abbott, Lithia park.... The Longans and my comp and i at Lithia park, THey are so awesome!! Mt. Shasta from teh top of Mt Ashland!! ENJOY THESE PICS!!
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