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55 W. 29th Ave. Ste. A
Eugene, OR 97405
or email me @ aubrey.glasgow@myldsmail.net

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cleaning the Inner Vessel

Alright so we had combined district meeting this week. The whole focus was on "cleaning the inner vessel." Basically we are trying to inventory how our missionary work is doing and how we can improve. I started to compare myself and was getting down listening to all the awesome stories about the success of other missionaries. It was hard to sit there and feel the spirit. At the end of the meeting, the zone leaders opened up a time for us to express what we felt and what we are going to do different because of the meeting. I seriously was just feeling horrible and felt like I was a horrible missionary. But some of the Elders bore there testimony and I just felt this peace come over me and I knew that I was doing good. I just prayed and prayed for peace and comfort to know that I was doing good. I felt the need to humble myself and really focus on the things that I am trying to do on my own and ask for the Lords help. The last couple days have been awesome!!! I have been much more happy and not so down and hard on myself. I know that we haven't had any solid investigators while I have been here, but our pool is slowly increasing! We taught Lehenekr this week and she came to church on Sunday!!! She is progressing so much it is so cool to see the change in her! She is so funny-- we were reviewing the plan of salvation with her and we asked her why we were sent to the earth? She said well we were sent here and then everyone started going nuts!! haha we still have a long way with her, but we continue to pray for her! Her baptism is on June 26th!! It will be my first baptism so I am super stoked!!
We also tracted into a family, Kristen, Jed and little Emma, on Tuesday night. We felt like we needed to knock some doors at about 8pm.... usually we try not to tract that late cause people are in bed (crazy i know!!) but we decided to go anyways. We knocked on there house and they let us in. They just moved about 4 months ago and felt like this was the place to be for a while. They met with Elders once before briefly, but they just kept asking us so many questions. The spirit was felt in there and I knew they could feel it. We didn't set up another time to go over, but we plan on going back this week. We haven't felt good about going back over just yet, but hope soon!! They need the gospel soooooo bad!!
We had our finding activity with 24 missionaries and 24 members! It was so cool to see everyone so excited for missionary work and finding people. The night went well. We still have a lot of follow up visits, so we are excited to get to see lots of people this week! I know that we will be able to add to our teaching pool because of this!
I got to muck stalls this week, you know clean up all the horse poo in the stalls!! Oh wow that was discusting!! Randy and Charlene asked if we could help them. I had a good time doing it. Wow it was really hard work. We shoved probably 30 or more loads of crap into the wheelbarrow's. I have been sore the last few days because of it!
So last week we hiked Tablerock Mountain. It was so beautiful on top!! Holy cow it is so green here! I will send a video of the view.... Dad you will enjoy it knowing you and the videos that you take :) I am taking after you!! Today we are going to Mt. Ashland and Lithia park. I am going to drink Lithia water, I guess it is this natural water that all the hippies drink :), I hear it is pretty gross, but it is something you have to do if you live in Oregon! Gosh the members just love us and take us all over the place! I am so grateful for all the wonderful people that take good care of us! A lady in our Goldhill ward is giving me a haircut today! I need it so bad!
Well this is a shout out to all the dads!! Happy Fathers Day on Sunday!! Dad I love you so much and I hope you have a wonderful, relaxed, chill, fun, happy, stress-free day!!!!!
Thanks for all the love and support, I need it so much!! I am glad that I get to do this work in Oregon! I love being able to bear testimony of the gospel over and over to people who need it so badly in there lives! This is a wonderful work and I am grateful that I get to be apart of it!!! :) Be happy and take care!! Until next week.......

Love Sister Glasgow!!!

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