Happy Halloween in a couple of days!!
Both of our wards are having truck or treats on Saturday, so we will get to stop by and say hello. We actually have to be in our apt by 6pm on Sunday cause of all the trick or treaters. It is weird to live in a place where they still go out on Sunday. We just get to have extra time to study and probably go to bed early. Some Halloween right?? My comp and I bought pumpkins and we carved them this week. It was really fun. We listened to Christmas music and carved our pumpkins. I made mine and it said.. OEM. (Oregon Eugene Mission) it also had an anchor on it, that is the symbol of the mission. It was fun to carve and talk with S. Stoehr about fun Halloweens in the past. Here are some pics from that night. We are good at documenting :)
This week was so great!! We are teaching a lot and we found 6 new investigators to add to our teaching pool. 4 of them came to church yesterday!! First, Kevin Robin and Yaya. They are the family of 6 from Cali. We taught them the 1st lesson on Saturday night and invited them to come to church. They weren't really set on coming so we didn't think any more of it. We were sitting in the pews at church and out of the corner of my eye I saw there whole family walk into the building. I was THRILLED!!! They walked it and everyone came up to introduce themselves and the Bishop came right over and said hello. It was sweet! The talks were about Revelation and Agency. Man, the spirit was so strong and I knew they could feel it. The kids, Yaya (9), Brother (7), Stasta (6) and Pip (4), all went to Primary and LOVED it. The primary program is in 2 weeks and they invited them to have a part and be in it. Kevin and Robin came to Gospel Principles and they talked about the Priesthood. It was so cool. Many of the people in the class were converts and they shared experiences and testimonies were borne and it was just awesome. Kevin just kept shaking his head and agreeing with everything. I could tell that his mind was comprehending everything and they understood it and they just get it. Ah, I love there family so much!! I love teaching them!
We got to teach Emma (11) and Cole (14) on Saturday too. We had to run by the ward mission leaders house to drop off our progress record and they were at the house playing with their kids, so we called up there mom to make sure it was okay and we taught them the Restoration. Cole is very angry and upset with life. It is sad to see. He doesn't believe in God and is just mad at his dad because of the parent's divorce. He understood everything we said, but wanted to keep his thoughts to himself. He didn't come to church yesterday, but Emma did!! She is such a sweet girl! She loves learning and was in the primary program yesterday in the junction city ward. She went to 1 practice and had a part in it and everything. She took it all in when we taught. We asked her how she felt when we were done and she said that she is so excited to be in church again, and believes it all!! She asked if she could give us a hug at the end of the lesson. She will be baptized in a few weeks!! Please pray for Cole and Emma. Such good kids :)!!
We had an awesome lesson with Cindy this week. We talked about baptism and the holy ghost. She feels like she doesn't know yet. We are excited to teach her again and let her know that is starts with the belief, I know she is ready. I think she is just a little scared of the truth cause she has been looking for it for so long and doesn't think she will ever find the truth. I love the gospel and it is so perfect. My testimony has been so strengthened this week and I know without a doubt that this is the only true church on the earth. Jesus Christ set the perfect example and if we follow him, we can have eternal happiness with our families forever!! I love it so much. It makes me sad that people don't want to listen, but they have their agency.
We also have a new investigator, Jamie. She has a complicated story and not sure if I want to go into the details-- BUT we taught her yesterday and she wants to come to church next week. She loves to learn and is excited to hear the Book of Mormon, she can't read, on the lds.org. We had an okay lesson with her, we are excited to go back and get more taught... she is a chatter box :).
We read the Book of Mormon with Brad and Jackie and Gracie. Gracie went to church yesterday and was in the Primary Program. Brad and Jackie couldn't make it to church, but they said next week. I hope they keep that commitment. The family, Gambee's, that has fellow shipped them is awesome. They had a thought or impression to drop off a parenting book and CD's to them, but weren't sure if they would be offended. Well it just so happened that at the apt, Brad asked us what he could do to be a better parent and was looking for things in the church that could help him!!! So inspired. We told the Gambee's and they sent the info right over to them.
Both of the wards are starting to help us out more. They see that we are working hard to get people to church and they needed to see that. I am grateful for the people that help us missionaries out. It makes our job so much easier. I commend all of you that help us out, we love it so much :)!!
I went on exchanges with Sister Kaufusi!! I came out to Oregon with her. She was in a different district in the MTC so I didn't know her, but I love this girl so much!! We had so much fun together! I went to Springfield... everyone says that it is the ghetto, scary, psycho.. whatever you wanna call it, part of Oregon. I didn't think it was all that bad. haha. We taught a lot of people and had a good time. I like switching it up every once in a while. It makes it so much fun!
We have Elder Kukuchi coming to tour the mission this week!! It will be a huge mission conference again! Sister Abbott- my trainer and Sister Losee are coming to spend the night with us!! I am looking forward to it on Thursday!! I love learning about missionary work and how I can be better at using the things that I have and know to help people come closer to their Savior. Welp, Peace out!! Have a good week and a good halloween!! I love you all!!
Love Sister Glasgow XOXOXO
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