This weekend was so amazing!
Friday afternoon S. Stoehr and I went over to a recent converts house and burned some nylons. We have both been out for 6 months.. crazy! It was fun to have a Little burn party. haha... that night we filled up the font and had the water all warm and ready... But where was the Bishop and the Ward Mission Leader? At about 10 min till I felt like I should call them and make sure they were coming (the Bishop and the WML are a father and son). Well they had forgotten about the baptism and were not ready. I was really frustrated and annoyed that they forgot, but I told them to hurry over so we could get started. We just listened patiently to the prelude music for about 20 minutes. They arrived finally and we had a wonderful baptism. Stephanie was really emotional the whole time and I knew that she felt the spirit testify to her that what she was doing was making Heavenly Father smile. :) When she came up out of the water she was glowing. That whole night she was beaming and so happy. It truly is the Lord's work and this is the only way. I was so pleased that I got to be apart of her life and see the change come over her as she read from the scriptures, came to church and prayed. She invited her mom, aunt and some friends from work to the baptism. I was glad that they were there for her and they felt the special spirit during the service. I love baptisms :). Well that just kicked off the Conference weekend for me. I was such in a good mood and loved hearing all the talks. I had a wonderful experience as I listened to the prophet. As he spoke his words were the Lords. He spoke, but to me it felt as if the Lord was speaking that to me. I will never forget that experience! I was so overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude for the many wonderful things in my life. I have a good life. I have such wonderful people around me and I really thank all of you for the love and support! I couldn't do this work without that! I need all of you. As the prophet spoke of Gratitude I felt so blessed and was reflecting on the life that I have. I am grateful to be here now in Oregon serving, giving back to Him for the many things that He has given me. I love being able to serve in Oregon! The mission has been one of the hardest things, but it is so worth it! I hope that everyone that is even considering to go, will GO! Go and don't look back! I love my mission!
So at the beginning of the week it wasn't so peachy as the weekend.... sad. We went to Laura Anderson's house.. the one that wanted to fight with us. We asked her to work towards baptism, but she told us that she is not ready. I was really glad that she isn't opposed to it completely, but I know that she will come around sooner or later. She was making Amish Friendship bread and gave us a starter bag... that made me think of you mom. Oh yeah and we cleaned for a lady in between conference sessions on Saturday and she cleans with Vinegar and Water... make me think of you again mom. :) I sure miss you, so that was a little refresher and I felt like you could be in the next room baking the loaves of bread or cleaning in the next room. Love you. So we aren't teaching her anymore, hopefully in a few weeks she will be ready. We went to Brad and Jackies. I bore my testimony to them and told them that they needed to act and do what we ask them to do if they want to progress. It is really sad, I love this family so much. I just don't know how to get across to them and have them have experiences on there own. It is complicated. We decided to give them some time on their own to pray and read and hopefully they will want to be baptized. They want too, but just aren't sure if Mormon is the way they want to go. They told us that we pray to the Mormon God.... no no no!! Ahh they need time, so that is what we are doing.
So Melissa and Danika... haven't talked to them yet. They are hard to reach, but when we went over last night we met Danika's dad- Dan. He told us that Melissa and him are not dating anymore and are going to be separating. I felt really bad and he was on the verge of tears. I told him that when they get things all settled that we would come back.
We were not able to contact Heather this week. I was so sad. I was thinking a lot about my investigators as I listened to conference and I especially got the chills when Elder Scott (I think) talked about abusing medication. I have met many other people here that have been abusing those prescribed prescriptions. I am so grateful for latter day prophets who are so inspired and say what the saints need to here.
We had District Meeting on Friday... we were soooo busy that day, but it was sweet! S. Stoehr and I taught the other elders how to begin teaching. When we were planning I was thinking that we should make up and acronym to the work B E G I N. So we decided that B was for Bullet Points. I kept spelling the work bullet wrong every time I wrote it down. Well on Friday at the meeting I started to write on the chalkboard. I started to write Bullet and in my head i was saying, "ok Sister Galsgow, don't spell it wrong and look like a goof." As I was writing I heard S. Stoehr say.... "ummmm Sister Glasgow." I looked at what I was writing and I spelled the word Butt. I was so embarrassed... I couldn't believe that I did that in front of all the other missionaries. My face was bright red and all I could say was, "how embarrassing!" We all got a laugh out of that one :).
I am looking forward to the new week! We are going to be finding a lot of new people. Last night we got 3 referrals and they all sound very promising.
This morning we went hiking with Sister Nichols and Sister Wilson, at Spencers Butte again. We could actually see all of Eugene and the whole valley. I felt like I was on the top of the world. Dad that reminded me of hiking the Superstitions and getting to the top and feeling so good! (minus the fact that it only took us 30 minutes and it was dinky little switchbacks.) The whole state of Oregon is covered in trees! I also got to go to the mission office and I got a lot of mail, so that made me happy. Thank you for all the pics mom. I love seeing you all! The boys are getting so big and all are so handsome.:)
Sister Losee is getting transferred on Wednesday. I am sad that i won't get to see her as much anymore. We are going to hang out with them later today, so that will be good to be with her again. I talked to her on the phone last night and it is so weird to talk about missionary things with her... all business like haha.
Well I hope the weather starts to cool down in Mesa. I know that the rainy season is just around the corner. We had a weird hot pocket this week, but it won't be long before it rains all the time. I can't wait. Love you all!! Please pray for the investigators. They need your help, love and support. Get out and share the gospel! Take care!
Love Sister Glasgow :) XOXOXOXO
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