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55 W. 29th Ave. Ste. A
Eugene, OR 97405
or email me @ aubrey.glasgow@myldsmail.net

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15, 2010

Thanks for the letter mom, it made me cry!! This week has been full of so many emotions....
First off, Emma's baptism was amazing!! She is just an amazing little girl with so much love for the gospel. She wants to do everything right and good. Her mom gave such a wonderful talk about baptism. The spirit was so strong. As I was watching Emma, tears were streaming down her cheeks. She knew that this was something that she needed to do. Heavenly Father was definitely smiling that day. Emma's brothers, Cole and Easton gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. They love Emma so much and are proud of her. Cole is not a member and he was very touched by the baptism, I hope that he will get baptized soon!! I was so grateful to be apart of this families life. They have come a LONG way in the last couple weeks and Emma's decision to be baptized has really helped their family get back into the church.
When I first arrived in Santa Clara and Junction City I was so excited because I realized that I would be able to be here for my birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas... plus I get to be with a comp that I love dearly. Well that plan was shattered on Saturday. President came to Emma's baptism and said, "You know you are getting transferred right??" The few days before this I had been hearing rumors that we were getting whitewashed (elders coming into a sister's area). I didn't want it to happen. We have so many people preparing and have been prepared for baptism. As I heard President MacDonald say this, I was able to feel at peace and know that he is inspired and that this will be okay. So there you have it... I am being transferred tomorrow at 10am. At least I know where I am and who my comp is. I am heading a little North of Eugene to Sweet Home. My comp will be Sister Nelson, I have met her a few times, seems very sweet. I have been very sad and happy all at the same time. I have had a rough time saying goodbye to people, especially Brad, Jackie, Kevin, Robin, Stephanie, and a huge long list of people in the wards that have been so great! I haven't actually cried until I started reading your letter mom and then as I type about leaving it makes me sooooo sad! I love this area, I love the people and I did not want to spend my bday, thanksgiving and christmas in a new area. The elders that are coming are so awesome though. Elder Bauer was the Assistant and will finish his mission in the area. Elder Nygren is pretty new, but he is also excellent. If anyone is going to take over the area, I am grateful that they are. I spoke to E Bauer last night about the area. He is so excited to come and work hard. He feels bad that we are leaving in such a crucial time of our investigators progression, and is sorry to take over at the peak. I have trying to stay positive and I KNOW that everything will work out, it will just be hard. Mission transfers are not cool, but I know I will love Sweet Home!! S Stoehr served there, so she has been telling me all about it. S Stoehr is going to CENTRAL POINT!! I am so excited for her to go to my baby area! We have been talking about all the people and investigators and recent converts. I think it is a good thing that we both know that each of us will love our areas where we serve cause I loved Central Point and she loved Sweet Home.
So we went to Brad and Jackie and said goodbye. They are kinda upset that elders are coming, but we told them to keep in contact and that the elders would do wonderful things. We said that "when" they get baptized, we will come back for it. I will miss them so much.
Kevin and Robin were out of town for the past few days, but they got back last night so we could go say goodbye. I am bummed that we can't teach them anymore, but since I am only about 40 minutes away, I get to come back for the baptism! The Elders said they would be updating us with all the people so we know what is going on.
I feel so grateful to have been here for 3 short months. I feel like I just got here!! I have learned so much about myself and my comp has taught me a lot! I am grateful for the friendships that I have made, I know they will last forever :)!! Although change is hard, I learn and grow. I am excited to get to Sweet Home and work hard. I will love all my areas so much!!
I hope everything is well back in Mesa! I miss you all so much!! Since I am being transferred right before my bday, S Stoehr and I are celebrating it today. We are going bowling with the elders and gonna have fun on our last day here!!! Stephanie is really upset that we are leaving, but her and Omar and talking me out to dinner for a bday dinner tonight! I don't want to say goodbye to her! We have been such good friends :)!! I just hope that I am close to Eugene when they get married in the next few months and around when they go to the temple next October!!
Tonight we are going to say goodbye to Emma. She was so glad that we were here for her baptism. The ward has really taken the family under their wings and I know they will be okay! Saying goodbye's are crappy. Sorry if this email sounds depressing, it just caught me off guard. I am doing okay, I promise. Today is gonna be a blast!!
I love you all!! I miss you all like crazy, but I love being a missionary! I am excited to write next week and let you all know about the new area. Please pray for Elder Nygren and Elder Bauer as they come to the area on Wednesday!! Pray that they will pick up where we left off, they will see miracles in this area!!

Love Sister Glasgow XOXOXO

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