I had the best day of my mission so far on Saturday!!
Leading up to Saturday was kinda crappy. We had to cancel a lot of our
appointments cause Sister Nelson and I have been sick with this
miserable cold that will not go away!! Bug!! It was caused by the fact
that we woke up Tuesday morning with a couple inches of snow!! We got
up early and played in it. We made snowwomen and put our nametags on
them. It was soooo much fun! I was a Popsicle when I came inside.
This week has been so chilly. I have learned to layer my clothes
really good to try and stay warm! So Thanksgiving on Thursday was
alright. We were supposed to have dinner with a family, but we
couldn't get a hold of them. We ended up eating at a recent converts
house. It was weird to only have dinner with 4 people. I definitely
missed being around family, food and games. It was okay though. Later
that day we went to the Egberts house! They have 3 girls who are all
so much fun... they like the idea that I have 4 cute brothers at home
:) We played games with them, ate pie and watched Toy Story 3! What a
cute movie! We were gonna watch the Last Song, but then we found the
other. The ending was kinda sad, I was teary eyed. I was glad that we
got to hang with them! Emily, the oldest, is 18, she comes out with us
a lot. At the end of the day I couldn't help but feel so blah. We
didn't work and we wasted the day. I love being able to work my butt
off, it was not the best day of my mission... at all.
BUT Saturday was soooo amazing!! It all started when Luke got
baptized! He has been investigating for a while now. He completely
changed his life around and it was great to see him get baptized. 2 of
the priests in the ward sang Be still my soul for the intermission,
they did a fab job. I love being at baptisms. The spirit was super
strong!! Luke's family all came to support him. His sister is in the
ward and we found out another one of his sisters is a member. Half are
now members, we are excited to help the rest of his family. So after
that baptism Emily drove us down to Eugene!!!!! I got to go back for
Kevin and Robin's baptism!! Oh my it was amazing!! I loved seeing them
again. They were all so glad that I came back for it! I was literally
floating on a cloud as I watched them go under the water and come up
so clean. I was so grateful to be apart of their life and see the
change that took place as I was able to teach them! I am also so glad
that president let me come back for the night. I also got to see
Stephanie and Omar again!! I love them sooooo much. They will be my
best friends forever! I ran down the hall and gave her a big hug when
I saw her. She just had this big grin on her face. I also got to see
my fav family again, the Petersens. Man, I loved it so much!!
President came to the baptism. He had me take a little walk with him.
He asked me how I felt. I couldn't even explain to him how happy I
was. I was smiling from ear to ear. I told him that it was the best
day of my mission. He told me that this is what missionary work was
about, finding those families. He told me to do it again in Sweet
Home. That is what I am doing. S Nelson and I have a magnificent
obsession of finding a family for Christmas. It will be awesome!!
My prayers were answered Saturday night. At the beginning of my time
in Eugene I was praying for a family that would unite the ward
together. That prayer was answered by Kevin and Robin's family! Yaya
is still getting baptized on Christmas. What a wonderful thing this
will be for their family. In a year they get to go to the temple and
be sealed as a family forever!! This is what missionary work is about.
I feel so blessed to be apart of this wonderful work. So many
I love being a missionary. It was such a good day! It got me even more
excited to get out and work to find people that are ready in Sweet
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. X-mas is coming up, give
the best gift, the gospel!
I hope you all have a great week!! I would love to hear from you all :)
Love Sister Glasgow XOXO
Happy bday Cannon!!!! Hope it is a good day full of lots of surprises
and kisses haha, BIG 16!!!!!
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