I have never felt so tired, exhausted and beat up from this weeks
activities. We set some high goals of teaching and finding and made
some miracles happen. It felt good to accomplish a hard goal. We found
and taught many new investigators, dropped a lot of ones that were not
keeping commitments and then had a lot of door slams and rejection on
top of it. I can't decide if I liked this week... We had a very sad
meeting with Brant and April last night. They don't want to get
married yet, so they can not be baptized at the end of this month.
That was a heart breaker. It was a hard pill to swallow. I love that
family so much and was so sad to tell them that we couldn't teach them
anymore. They still will be coming to church and doing all they can to
prepare. Both S. Nelson and I broke down last night. I know that I
have been given some thick skin on my mission, but that was the worst.
I want this so bad for them. I am so grateful that they still want to
work towards it, they just feel it is too soon. They want a wedding
and not just a little ceremony. Didn't like that at all.
Tiffany and Shelby are still looking to get baptized in February. They
are so happy and love when we come by. Tiffany was a referral from
someone in the ward. She lost her baby about a month ago.. had to
deliver the baby at 5 months. They still have a hard time with it, but
the gospel is giving them hope and they love that they will get to be
sealed as a family!
We were super bummed that the Ducks lost!! It was weird watching that.
The whole time I watched it I felt like the world is ridiculous in the
fact that they spend so much time, effort and money in football. It
made me sick. It was entertaining, but nothing that I thoroughly
enjoyed. We ate yummy pork burritos... so good.
It rained nonstop on Friday. We were outside for about 3 hours in the
pouring rain talking with people. S. Nelson and I were out in it and
got soaked. (S. Abbott was on splits with a lady in the ward so she
stayed dry-- lucky dog :) ) When we went to our dinner apt, the lady
made us change into her moo moo's so we could dry our clothes. It was
pretty funny.
I'm grateful that this week was full of ups and downs. It helped me to
control my feelings and made me love and serve the people more.
This week we are gonna work even harder. 3 in the area means there is
room for double the work. The trio is good. We all have lots of fun.
Sorry this email is kinda down in the dumps, I am glad that I get
another fresh start today to make a difference and get out and work
hard. I love you all!!! Have a good week.
Love Sister Glasgow... aka glass cakes :)
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