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Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31, 2011

This week was fabulous!!
I got to go to the Portland Temple to watch Luke, Homer and Jacob
perform Baptisms for the Dead. Well, we had a little hang up with
Homer-- he didn't have the Aaronic Priesthood so they couldn't allow
him to do the actual baptisms. We got permission from the Temple
President so he could sit and watch, but I felt horrible!! I was so
sad that he couldn't do them. Homer had such a good attitude and he
told us that he was excited for the next time to go cause he will know
what to expect. He told us "The Lord has a time table for me and I am
excited to go back and do it." He is so solid. I taught a lesson to
him this week and asked him why he knew Jesus Christ was real. He
thought about it for what seemed like 10 minutes. He then told me that
he has lived his life with Christ and with out Christ. He saw that the
more obedient he was, the happier he was and now is. He has such a
strong testimony of the gospel. Everytime he talks I just feel like I
need to reverance myself more. He is such a humble guy and wants to do
everything 100% It is pretty sweet!! So Luke got to do baptisms and he
loved it!! I am glad that he and Homer have become buddies.
I love being a missionary and getting to see the work move forward now
is awesome! It was truly a different experience as I sat and watched
the baptisms at the temple. We get to complete work for those who NEED
this saving ordinance. I felt a piece of missionary work come full
circle as I sat inside the temple. Oh yeah, we also got to see the
Celestial Room--- AMAZING!! i didn't want to leave that place. I was
able to think about the spirit and recognize how I felt. I put words
and was able to describe how that felt. I was grateful for that chance
to really feel and understand in that moment what I was feeling, it
was so great!!
Tiffany and Shelby are getting baptized on Saturday! I am so excited
for them!! Last Monday night we had FHE with them and we played Don't
Eat Pete. The little 2 year old, Jim, won 2 times in a row!! We
couldn't believe that he did that!! It brought memories back of
playing that for FHE growing up, haha good times.
A miracle happened last night. Ryan Blackwell (17 years old) met with
the misisonaries back in October and he wanted to get baptized, but
his parents wouldn't let him. He has come to church every week, gets
up for early morning seminary and attends mutual. This kid is awesome!
Well last night he told us that his parents agreed to let him be
baptized... so on Sunday he is getting baptized!! I am grateful that
he was diligent and truly sought after something that he really
wanted. This weekend is gonna be jammed pack full of so many wonderful
things!! We also get to see Hayden Deatherage get baptized. His family
was LA and we have been teaching him the last 3 months. He is turning
8, so we don't get to participate, but we are excited to support him
in this decision that he has made! His family has really come around
and they have been blessed by the gospel. (Luke is Haydens uncle... so
many people are related here.)
I am so grateful for this church. People's lives change for the
better. People don't realize how much happiness they are missing out
on. I feel so blessed to be apart of this wonderful work.
Thank you for all the prayers and love... I feel them each day. :)

Love S Glasgow XOXO

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