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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26, 2011

Wow, what a week!
The Thomas family was baptized on Thursday night. What a powerful
thing to witness a family entering the waters of baptism together. I
was so touched that so many people from the ward came and gave their
support-- they are gonna need it big time! The spirit was so strong
and there wasn't a dry eye in the room. We packed everyone into the
small baptism room. I was able to reflect on the day I was baptized
and was reminded of the spirit I felt as I went under the water... yes
I still remember that day, even if it was 14 years ago. :) It has been
a truly humbling experience to teach that family. I have seen so much
growth in each of them as we shared our testimonies of the Savior.
Kyle, the 14 year old was getting changed after the baptism and told
his dad, "Did you feel it Dad? The spirit was so strong as I came up
out of the water!" Jessi, the 11 year old girl, said something similar
to her mom, "Mom, that was so cool. I felt so good coming up out of
the water!" That whole family was beaming all day and has ever since
they were baptized. The confirmations were amazing. Huck was given a
warning in his blessing that Satan was not done with him yet. I know
this is true. Huck has so much knowledge and has been given so many
talents, that if he doesn't use them correctly, Satan could use them
against him. It was great to be apart of this wonderful journey. It
has been one of the greatest miracles on my mission! I know this
church is true. I love that the gospel blesses families and I know
families can be together forever!!
We are teaching Diana's uncle, Al. He loves when we come over and
teach. He always tells us that he needs us to find him a wife... haha,
not our calling to do that, but it has been great to teach him the
gospel of Jesus Christ. We have to keep the commandments in order for
God to give us his blessings. Over and over in the BOM is that theme.
I love the scripture D&C 82:10. He is bound, but we have to keep the
commandments. We have to learn what he wants us to do. God is willing
to bless us more than we could ever imagine, we just need to get to
We had a meeting this week and talked about the importance of relating
the gospel to our lives. We all took 5 pictures of our life back home
and taught each other the gospel thru our pics. Some were way random,
but it showed me that we can relate the gospel to everything!! We also
discussed things that hold us back from being missionaries that God
knows we can be. I made a huge long list of things that hinder my work
as a servant of the Lord. Let's just say it was rather lengthy. :) Our
District Leader then handed us 5 marshmallows and told us to put them
in our mouths. I fit about 7 in my mouth (yes, chubby bunny style) and
had to spit them out. He told us that we need to spit out those things
that hold us back. It would be very difficult to teach with 7 mellows
in my mouth.... it made me really think about how I need to get rid of
things so I can teach more clearly, effectively and reach my full
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Sunday. I loved the spirit at
church and the Clark's (the people we live with) made us a yummy
lunch. People take good care of us over here.
I love you all!!

Love Sister Glasgow XOXO

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