This week has been really tender. I am leaving my home Sweet Home
tomorrow! I am so sad to leave all the people that I love so much! I
am going to Myrtle Creek... back down south again. I get to be comps
with SISTER KAUFUSI!!! Oh my goodness I am so excited to be with her.
She is from Tonga and is freaking hilarious. I'm glad that PMac trusts
us enough to be together... haha, we have lots of fun when we are
together :) It is such a strange feeling to be leaving this area. I
have been here for 6 months and have come so close to the ward. I got
to bear my testimony yesterday and just cried and thanked them for
taking care of me. Yesterday at church was so amazing!! So many
wonderful things happened and the spirit was so strong. A man in the
ward passed away suddenly and it was a big shock. My heart went out to
his family! I was weepy the last few days, especially on Sunday when
so many people talked about this wonderful man that served. loved,
smiled and lived the gospel. He was a hard worker that finished his
life well. As I sat and listened, it made me ponder about life and how
very precious this time is. We only have a short time to do what is
right so that we can go back to our Heavenly Father. I know that I can
be with my family forever. I know that Christ died for me so that I
could one day have eternal life. We also got to hear Huck Thomas bear
his testimony. Wow, he sounded like a longtime member. He encouraged
each of us to read our scriptures daily so that we could answer
questions when non-members bring up the church. He thanked us all for
living the gospel and being examples, because that is what helped him
find the church. He said that we all need to be humble and cherish the
things that we have in life. I am so happy that I got to hear his
testimony one last time!! I will miss that family soooo much!! Jessi
just kept giving me hugs all day. When we finally left she just
latched onto me and wouldn't let go. They are so special to me! We had
dinner with them on Saturday and it was a great time to know them more
and share experiences of how we gained our testimonies.
I've learned so much in this area. My time hear has been amazing and I
will never forget all the wonderful people, experiences, challenges
and joys! I'm excited to implement what I have learned here in Myrtle
We've been teaching Al, and he told us that he wanted to get baptized
this month!! Yippee! We got to pour out his coffee pot and he is
working on quitting smoking. He is such a character!! We taught about
the priesthood and went round and round in circles about it. He is
finally understanding that the gospel has been restored and that
things were lost, but thru a prophet we have it on the earth again.
I'm excited for him to make those covenants and find more in his life!
I love you all. I love being a missionary. I love the gospel, each day
I learn I am happier.
Love Sister Glasgow XOXO
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