To all my family and friends, my life has changed a lot in the past
week. My eyes have been opened to more hope, love, peace and joy!! I
love this gospel so much, can't even describe!
We met with Delbert last Monday night at the church. When we entered
the building he was on his knees crying... a rough, tough 54 year old
man on his hands and knees. I didn't know what to think. He spoke to
us and told us that he was so sorry that he couldn't meet with us for
about a week because his sister passed away on Mother's Day. It was
so sad to hear him as he talked about his sister and what she meant to
him. He hadn't seen her for many years and her death was unexpected.
As we talked with him we shared about hope, love and faith. Delbert is
so strong. He wants to do good and be better. He recognizes that he
has to change a lot, but he said that he is "willing to do whatever it
takes!" He again told us of the important to serve and help others.
The spirit was so strong as we shared our testimonies of the Savior.
The fellow shippers, the LaPorte's, are an amazing family! Bro LaPorte
also was addicted and went thru a lot in the first 30 years of his
life. He came clean, joined the church and is really a strength to
Delbert. Delbert just loves Bro LaPorte. He said "you treat me like
gold"! We all sat down in that church hallway and cried together. I
will never forget the spirit I felt and the things that I learned. It
is interesting to see others lives change, and in the same time, my
life changes. I'm so grateful for all the people that I have met. I
have learned so much about my Savior as I come to know people who live
Christ like lives. I hope I can continue to learn and grow as I go
thru life.
We had a lesson with this gramma, Bonnie. She is so sweet and nice. We
talked about Jesus and she piped up and told us all about Jesus, thru
song. haha, she yodeled to us, well she tried. It made me day to hear
her sing to us... we couldn't get her to stop. :)
This area is great. I love the people. I love teaching and tracting.
It is absolutely beautiful here! I had to wear my big coat, gloves,
boots and leggings this weekend. Will it ever warm up? I don't think
so, at least not for another few weeks. :(
One of my RC in Eugene, Stephanie, is getting married on the 4th of
June!! I am so excited for her and Omar! I don't know if I will be
able to go, but I know that when they go to the temple in October I am
so there!! It is amazing to see the progression of people even after I
leave my areas.
Well, I could go on and on about the wonderful experiences I have had,
but time won't allow. I want you all to know that this gospel changes
people. I have seen it over and over again. We need to be praying and
reading our scriptures DAILY. Go to church and attend all your
meetings. I know this is what God wants us to do. As we obey we are
blessed. I have a testimony of this. I know that is how we find pure
happiness. Love everyone you see. Share the gospel!!
Love Sister Glasgow XOXO
1. Air Mail-- lots of people have these mailboxes haha
2. S. Kaufusi and I :) Love this girl!!
Can I just tell you how much I love this daughter of mine! How blessed we are to be a part of her life. I love you Aubrey- Mom