Family and Friends!
I just want you to all know how much I LOVE you!! It was so much fun
to call home and visit with each of you. We made our phone calls at the
Anderson's home. They have a son on a mission and so they called him
while we talked to our families. It was cool to see the opposite end
of families and hearing from their missionaries. I came down the
stairs after the phone call and Sister Anderson could tell that I had a
hard time hanging up. She said, "Here is a mother's hug for your mom
and we can imagine our families and our missionaries at the same
time." That was so sweet of her to give me a big hug and we just sat
and cried together. haha, I'm such a baby! :) I am doing better now.
It was great to hear all of your voices and to listen to all the happy
things that you are all apart of. Crew made me laugh, every time I
asked him a question he would say huh? or what?, it was hilarious.
Know how much you all mean to me and I am so grateful for such an
amazing family!!! You are all the best!
Myrtle Creek is amazing!! I love it hear. It is so green and lush. We
are in a valley with lots of trees. I will be taking lots of pics and
will send them asap. S. Kaufusi is from Tonga and is so great. We
basically like to laugh a lot... a lot a lot. :) It is great to be
with comps that are so willing and ready to work hard, but like to
have fun while doing it. We tracted a lot in the rain and we had so
much fun, even when we got drenched and no one wanted to talk to us.
We are teaching so many people right now. This guy Delbert is going to
be baptized next month. He has a very interesting story. He calls
himself "the protector". He is tough and really rough. He even beat
someone up for us cause they were saying bad things about the Mormons.
He has a violent past and is working on holding back his anger. It's
been amazing to see how the Gospel of Jesus Christ has helped him
become a better person. He had a dream last week before I got here
about 3 different paths. One went down, one went to the side and one
went uphill. The 2 went to hell and the other went to a beautiful
place. He said that his life was going downhill and he believes that
with this church, his life will go uphill. It has been amazing to hear
his testimony and feel of his spirit. He always says, "What are we
gonna learn today? I'm ready to rock n roll!" haha, Oh Delbert.
This couple, Chris and Nacole are trying to quit smoking. We set a
baptismal date with them this weekend. When we went over to their home
last night they posted a NO SMOKING sign on their front door! So
cool!! Nacole is gonna have a baby in a week. They want to teach her
about God and Jesus and have found so much good in the church and want
to be apart of it. When we invited them, Chris said that they had
already discussed it together and that is what they want. We have to
jump thru some hoops cause Nacole is still married to someone else and
Chris is on parole for another 15 months. Pray for them.
We went to visit a lot of potentials this weekend. We talked to this
guy Rex. He invited us into his SMALL trailer. It stunk like weed,
pretty sure that is what he was smoking and blowing in my face. It was
absolutely disgusting. After we got out S. Kaufusi and I just laughed
and said that we got high from being in that place. Interesting people
I tell ya. Another guy asked us if it was required for us to wear
boots, if we still could marry 200 women and if we were a cult, clan
or club. haha.
I'm so grateful for the opportunity to see so many people change their
life to gain something better. When we obey the commandments, we are
free. As I thought about all my blessings yesterday, I couldn't help
but feel so overwhelmed by all the support and love that you have all
given me. I couldn't do this work without that. I've learned that we
can overcome all things. That is why God sent his son. He knew we
couldn't do it alone. He loves us.
Thanks again for everything. I loved talking to you all!! Be good and
stay happy. Send some sun up here if you would :)
Love Sister Glasgow XOXO
1. Mom- This is Cathy Cuhna-Johnson. I love this family!!!
2. Smith and I before leaving Sweet Home :(
3. S. Kaufusi, my tongan sister... so fun!
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