Alright so this week has been a little crazy! The lady Lennie that wanted to take the baptism lessons called us this week and said we were moving too fast and that she just wasn't ready to commit yet. That was a little disappointing, but we found 2 new investigators the next day. More and more I am realizing that as missionaries we find the "elect" and so it is our job to weed out those not ready and move on. It gets discouraging at times and it breaks my heart to see them give it up so fast, but they are not ready. We tracted into a lady that has read the BOM and has a triple combination for her scriptures. Her husband isn't very fond of the church, but her son is active in Idaho. She has a hard time believing that there is a living prophet on the earth, but we are gonna help get those answers when we go to her house this next week.
Things I wanted to make sure I tell you all -- I love you for one!!! :) XOXOX I pray for you all daily and I know that you are so strong and will stick together and be able to get through this trial, Brighten is right mom-- you and dad are so good at this trail and you will get over it again and conquer!! Thanks for the talk by Elder Holland. wow I needed that talk so much. I think we all get days were we start to doubt and be sad about how our lives are going, but it is important to remember those feelings we have had or situations were we have felt the spirit-- those carry us through the hard times. Thank you thank you!!! We had Zone Conference this week. Pres pulled me aside and told me to be strong for my comp. She is having a hard time with being positive. It was cool cause President was inspired to talk to her Bishop in Nebraska and he called her yesterday morning and they were able to talk about some of the problems and feelings she was having. I know she is doing a lot better and we are working so hard- she is awesome!! Zone Conference was cool. President told us to not be righteous robots. I guess he though we were being too good or something- haha! No, he wanted to make sure that we were following the spirit and going to visit people that we feel impressed to see. This is something that I have been trying to work on- yesterday we felt the need to stop by some less active families and we were able to set up return appointments to give them the lessons.
So a side note-- hahahaha i haven't shaved my legs for 7 weeks! yep I am awesome! I plan to not shave them till transfers on Tuesday-- btw I am staying in Central Point with Sister Abbott so keep sending letters to the MEndolia Way address :) My hairy legs have kept me really warm the last couple days since it has been freezing!!!!! My first 30 minutes is up so I will email this first one and continue on another email mom-- thanks :)
Sister Glasgow
Aubrey said this picture is for you Becca!