Family and Friends!
Thank you all for your love and support lately! I have felt an overwhelming love for all of you and just want to express my gratitude for the letters and support! I love being able to hear from all of you each week. It makes me so happy! This week was pretty cool! We got to see Pride and Prejudice at the Shakespeare Festival- it was SOOO COOOLLL!! I loved every minute of it. I felt myself getting pretty antsy because we usually don't sit and listen for 3 hours at a time. I felt like I had to get to an appointment, but I had to keep telling myself to relax and enjoy the couple hours I had to chill! The play was really well done, we had pretty good seats too. My favorite character was Mr. Collins. He was so awkward and portrayed his part well. On Saturday we taught a lot of less actives and recent converts. We were supposed to meet an investigator- Susan, but she was out of town for the Memorial Day weekend. As a missionary I am totally oblivious to holidays, today is just like any other day!! haha. It was a bummer that she wasn't home. Our district leader had a meeting with Sister Abbott and I on Saturday too. He told us that the other missionaries in the area felt inspired to help us with finding new investigators, cause we have zero right now. They decided to have a night where 12 missionaries go on splits with members to visit less actives in our wards. They are all going to try and get some referrals for us! I am so pumped for it and am glad that the other missionaries are willing and ready to help get our area moving. It has been discouraging these last couple weeks. Our work has been tracting lots and teaching lessons to members in the ward. Not that those things are great, but we need new investigators. It's funny how satan has been trying to get me to think that I am not good enough and tries to weigh me down, but I have learned to stand up tall and just keep moving forward, it's pretty awesome! Well we had a surprise this week at church! Lenny called us this weekend and asked if we could find someone to pick her up for church.... she came!! I think she really enjoyed the time there and the ward was so welcoming to have her there! She wasn't able to stay the whole time, but I hope she will want us to come over more now. I think she just wanted to get started on the book of mormon and find some time to learn more on her own. I know she will come around soon :) Also another surprise!! Do you remember Derek and April? She is the one that has been taught all the lessons but doesn't feel like she has had an amazing thing happen to her.. she also has a cute little baby that is 6 months old, well she came to church too!! We haven't seen her for 3 weeks and we called her last week to see if we could stop by and visit and I guess that helped her to come to church, it was an answer to my prayers. I just hope that when we see her on Tuesday she will be more open and be able to feel the spirit as we ask her about having us work toward baptism with her. I know that if she isn't ready now, she will be soon, I just know it :)!!! Today has been a pretty good day. We got up and cleaned the apartment and then studied before we came to email! I finished the book of mormon this morning. Wow I finished it in 6 weeks! It feels so good to read that and then pray and be able to have the spirit testify of the truths in the scriptures. I just love it so much!!! I feel so uplifted today and really happy :)! I am grateful for Joseph Smith. He is such an example of asking in faith. I think a lot of us believe in Christ, but I have been learning about Believing Christ. I am constantly asking, Do I believe Christ? I love being able to ponder the gospel, I do it all the time!! Today we are going to play dodgeball with our district and some of the zone. Elder Olson in my district is going home tomorrow also Sister Harrington in the zone... crazy that they are leaving!! Sister Abbott and I are excited to stay in Central Point for another 6 weeks! Anyways, yes I shaved my legs, they were getting pretty bad so glad they are nice and smooth :)!!! I got an email from Cedar this morning. He sent me a picture, he is gaining weight!! I hope that doesn't happen to me. I guess it is a good thing that I get to run 4 or 5 times a week for 3 miles, plus I do lots of workouts at night. Well I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day! Thanks again for all that you guys do! I love you all!! Bye bye for now :) here are some pics from Pride and Prejudice with the other sisters- Smith and Harrington!!
Sister Glasgow
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