Sorry for the delay in message this week! I forgot that my Preparation day was being changed to Wednesday because we got to go to the temple this morning! Wow it was so good to be in the temple. I felt really at home being there. The Medford temple is tiny! We had to cram everyone into the room cause all the elders and sisters filled up the session. It was awesome! We got to go to the Oregon Vortex finally-- we were supposed to go a few weeks ago, but it rained on us. Well it rained on us again, but I am getting used to the rain. It was pretty interesting. Don't really know how to explain it, but there are parts of the earth that have different phenomenons, like I looked taller than my comp in one place and I would move over and would look shorter, it was weird stuff! This member Jeff took us and paid for us and so we took him to get pie at this really yummy place. He is awesome! He used to be a gangster and in gangs and did some hard drugs, and one day he realized that he needed to change some things and he did a complete 180! He is always checking up on us and taking us out to lunch, he makes sure we are taken care of us. Well this week was alright. We were teaching this girl Cameron who was 16 and we had an awesome lesson about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith and she called yesterday and said it wasn't for her and that she didn't want to meet with us again. She was really nice about it, but I was super sad about it! Dang, I got over it though cause I know that there are prepared people waiting. So that brings me to Lenny! She called us a week ago and told us that she wanted to take the baptism lessons, well she was supposed to get baptized on May 29th, but she didn't make it to church on Sunday (she is older and couldn't control her bladder) so we had to push it back to the 1st week in June! Hopefully everything will work out. She is so awesome! She has a testimony of the book of Mormon and has been reading it tons! We are visiting with her tonight and a couple more times this week! I know that my prayers have been answered in the fact that we have this solid investigator. Other than her we aren't really having much success in teaching. We tr acted 3 hours on Monday! Holy cow my feet hurt after that. We talked to some good people and got lots of questions answered, but no one wants to have us back. It is tough, I am in a rut, but I know that by being persistent and show faith by moving forward, that I will be blessed and I am blessed. We tracted into this crazy lady that told us that the church is married to the state, meaning that we can't get married in the temple without a recommend and that when they did a study on cloning sally the sheep that she was actually the one that they took the piece from, not the sheep. She was nuts! She lifted up her shorts and sure enough she had a huge chunk taken out of her leg-- crazy people I tell ya! I had no idea what she was talking about! Hahaha! What else-- Preparation day is on Friday next week so don't check the email on Monday! We get to go to the play Pride and Prejudice! Yaaahhhoooo! I am so excited! I had the opportunity to go to White City and Eagle Point on exchanges. That was cool! The sisters that was my comp is going home in about 2 weeks and she is solid! She taught me not to be afraid to open my mouth and talk with confidence. I needed that so much! I am grateful for this week! I set some goals to help me be more focused and work harder on finding the elect! I love you all and I hope you know that I am praying for you! Mom and Dad I KNOW that everything is going to be okay!!! The Lord blesses us when we show faith and we are doing just that! I know that I am gone, but pretend like I am reaching through the computer to give you all kisses and hugs! I love you so much! I love the work!
Sister Glasgow
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