Family! What a great phone call that was yesterday! Sorry that i cried so much, but my heart was just so full of love for all of you! It was fun to hear all of your voices! Don't worry about me! I know that I said that the work is really hard, but I don't want to be anywhere else! Please know this and just keep praying for me! I love you all so much! Cedar sent me a little email today! It was cool to here from him personally! I loved being able to hear about him and know that we are going through the same kind of stuff! He is just growing so much and I look up to his example! I don't want to disappoint me or any of you and so I am getting back to work really hard and just push forward everyday! I know that the savior is watching over Cedar and I. He puts people in our paths daily and answers prayers daily. I love seeing that in my life everyday and I am so grateful for that! It is hard to see how some people live here, by heart aches for those people, but it makes me grateful for what I have and I have no reason to complain about anything! Cedar seems to have learned that really fast due to the poor living conditions in Peru. I love being able to serve. We went to a less active members house this week and we pulled weeds. We pulled for 3 hours! Wow I was so incredibly sore after that, but I love yard work. I am so grateful mom and dad that you taught me to do service and to do yard work. I enjoy it so much and know that people feel loved when we can help in anyway. I look forward to having my own garden and beautiful yard when I grow up :) Okay so mom I forgot to ask you-- can you tell me what my account balance is in my debit account. I bought a ticket to Pride and Prejudice and it was about 50 dollars. President gave us permission to go on a p-day so we are gonna go at the end of this month. it is at the Shakespeare Festival! I am so excited-- dad don't be too jealous that I get to do this! I will tell you all about it!! I don''t really know what to say cause I got to say lots yesterday, but mom I am glad that we made this your best mothers day so far and I can't wait for the next mothers day too! I had so much fun talking with you, although my eyelids are sooooo swollen today from crying haha! I am such a baby :) That is okay though cause they are all tears of happiness! Oh yeah and to all the mothers that read this, I wish you all a happy mothers day! I hope you had a great day and I love you all! Thanks to all those who have sent me letters, I love hearing about what is going on in Mesa, it makes me happy! Family don't worry about me please! I am doing awesome and not letting our conversation get in the way of me working hard! I love this work! I am happy to be here and love and miss you all!!!!
Love Sister Glasgow
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