I Love letters! Write me at:

55 W. 29th Ave. Ste. A
Eugene, OR 97405
or email me @ aubrey.glasgow@myldsmail.net

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

First letter from Sister Glasgow

Oh my goodness! THis place is absolutely NUTS! But I love it here so much! The spirit is here 24/7 and I am going to be sad when I have to leave this place in 2 weeks. Thank you all for the letters that I have received on Dearelder.com! That has saved my life! I love hearing about what it going on so please continue to use that! The MTC is the most amazing place. It is a place of study, eating, sleeping... basically that is all I do. My testimony of the Restoration and Eternal Families has bloomed in this last week. Wow. My companion is Sister Thompson from Sandy UT! She is always serving me, getting my door, and I in return try to do those nice deeds for her. One of my favorite things to do is to pray with her and for her. I don't think that I have ever prayed so much for someone in my life! She is so funny! She loves to tell jokes and is happy :) I am so glad to have her as a comp. She is going to the Carlsbad, California Mission. She and all the other elders are going there. The 2 other sisters-- Jolley and Stoehr are going to Eugene with me!! They room with us along with a sister that is going to the Phillipeans! I love the sisters and we have SO MUCH FUN! The first day was great! I felt so welcomed! In fact, Mindy was there to greet my right at the entrance and I just felt like it was such a blessing to have her pick me up! We talked about what great things I will be doing and then she took me to IHOP. Yes i got a free meal cause I am a missionary! She then dropped me off at the curb. Mom- I am glad she called you to let you know that I was safe! She was a tender mercy for me! It was really cool because tons of Elders greeted me at the curb... Cedars district even! They all welcomed me with a warm "Hey Sister Glasgow!!" I didn't even have my badge on. They remembered me and I felt very welcomed and special! That day was pretty much a blur. I haven't been eating very well, don't really have an appetite, but I am working on it! The salads and wraps are what is keeping me alive and well! I am glad that the fam got to see the pag! I was so glad I got to see that before i left, what an amazing things to watch of our saviors life and atonement! Mom--- I was FINE when I hung up the phone. It was hard saying goodbye, but i know that this is where I need to be and I am loving life right now. I have learned to not get discouraged... I pray LOTS! The first day we already started to teach the first lesson. We even have special appointments with investegators. It is real stuff and it gets hard, but the spirit plays a huge roll in my days. Brighten thank you for your email. I am glad that both you and mom were at the mail when you got my first letter! I am writing more today, so keep an eye out! You keep telling Avery who her fav auntie aubs is! How is the phone Canny! haha I miss my phone sometimes, but I am glad that I don't have it cause that would make it all the more difficult! Chase, did you get your braces tightened yet? ouchy! Don't pick on crew bear too much! I love both you and Cannon so much and I can't wait for you to experience what I am experiencing right now! Crewbear too. How are you you little guy! I miss you so much. I look at my pics often and everyone thinks that I have the cutest brothers in teh whole world! haha... lets get real you are the most handsome :) How is school going? volleyball? any other things going on please let me kknow!! I love my brothers so much! The elders in my district are amazin!! Elder Singley, (he is the DL) Baker, Roper and Free. They are the NICEST Elders and I love them all so much. They are such a strength to me and I will never forget the kind words, advice and strength they are to me! All the Elders at the MTC open the doors, smile and say hello, stand when I sit or stand at the table, and stand when any sister enters the room. They are going to all make great husbands some day! Dad- Thank you for sharing that dream with me! I have thought alot about grampas and the scripture Dand C 84:88 is always reminding me that they are my angels! I love you dad, thanks for your testimony and words of encouragement! Mom- thanks for teaching me to be kind, peaceful and giving. THese things have helped me tremendously, especially in serving my comp and district! The food here is all processed and makes me sick thinking about all the crap that is going down in teh tummy... I ate a strawberry sald the other day, Wow pure heaven! yesterday the food must have done somehting to the elders, because weird smells were all over that place! Haha! I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to watch conference here! i payed attention like I had never done before! Wow I loved sister Becks talk!!!! Don't have time to explain. To be in the room with 2,000 plus missionaries is an amazing thing! i love all the devotionals and meeting that take place. I cry ALL THE TIME!! I am a baby, but I can't help it! Elder Singley reminds me a lot of Cedar! You will be getting some pics in the next couple days and you can see my district! He cries a lot, he is sweet. Just like Cedar! I got a letter from Cedar my first day and what a great thing to get from him! Is he in Trujillo now! Well my time is running out Family. Know that I have a testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ. He is the way, light, life and I love him with all my heart! Stay on the straight and narrow path. He blesses us in the time of need and comfort! I know that he lives and he loves me and each one of you. I know that families are forever and I can't wait to see you all soon! Please keep sending letter and love and pics! I love you with all the bottom of my heart! I know that I am here for a reason, I love it here. Don't worry about me, I am doing great things. I love the MTC presidency, my comp, district, zone and branch pres! This place is amazing! I can't wait to get to Eugene and share the message that I have been learning about! I want to work hard and do good! Mom I hope this was a good email. I love you all! Remember to be a good example and follow the commandments! I am happy and I love and miss each and everyone of you!!!!! Until next week! Take care!

Love Sister Glasgow!!!! :)


  1. yayyy! I'm glad you're having such a great time so far aubs, keep it up! Can't wait to read more letters from you.


  2. Good to hear she is doing great!! I can tell she has already grown so much just in the 1st week she's been there! The Gospel is amazing!! So happy for you Aubrey!!
