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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Alright so I have been studying the Plan of Salvation A LOT this week! More importantly I have been thinking about the Fall of Adam and Eve. I love the scriptures in 2 Nephi 2:22-25. It made me think about how we all have choices and were it not for the fall, we wouldn't have choices. Because they were in a state of innocence they didn't know good or evil-- they didn't have a choice of vanilla or chocolate ice cream. It was necessary for them to eat the fruit so they could live here. Adam fell that man might be and men are that they might have joy. A lady that we meet with on a regular basis always talks about how she can't wait to get out of this place and return home to heaven. Well I have thought a lot about the things that I am thankful for and I am able to find happiness and joy on this earth even though sometime we are faced with difficult things. Without the fall I wouldn't be here. I am able to enjoy my family and friends. I am enjoying the time I have to serve a mission. I get to teach people about thins and help them find true joy and happiness. I love that so much! I know that the message of the gospel is for everyone and God does everything for our benefit. He has provided the way for us to return back to him someday, I am so happy that I get to share that message with people all day long. It is great to see people making changes to make them happy, true happiness that the gospel brings!!
Tomorrow we are going to the Shakespeare festival! I am so excited to see Pride and Prejudice. Sister Abbotts aunt is going to pick us up (she lives in Medford) and take us to lunch and to the play. The other sisters that are serving around us get to come too!! It will be great!
Cool story mom- You sent me a hymn book in the MTC, but I already bought one in the MTC so I thought I would give it to someone that didn't have one- Elder Singley.... mom you are just helping him out a ton and he really appreciates it! He got the watch and he LOVES it! haha well he wrote me a letter this week and told me of a neat experience he had. He was teaching a lady that absolutely loved to sing and particularly the hymns, but she didn't have a hymn book so Elder Singley took the opportunity and he wrote his testimony in the front and how the hymn book came to be. He said that her eyes lit up when he gave it to her. He told her the story of how he got it from a sister in the MTC (me) and that I too loved to sing and he knew that she (me) would love her to have it. I think it is great when things like that happen. I was grateful that you sent it, cause that made me give it to Elder Singley, which then was passed onto that sweet lady! I love how that happens!
Mom and dad I hope you are doing okay! I know that everything will be alright and I feel comforted and feel peace. You are both so great and know how to get through the struggles that you face in life! I hope that I can keep your strong faith and example with me through out my mission!! Boys- are you all out of school now? Are you all heading over to the Millers for bbq and swimming for memorial day? Tell everyone hi and that I miss them-- more like I miss the sun over here, it is so cold and rainy still :) haha that is oregon for ya!! Anyways I love you all! Be good and stay safe!
For everyone- know that I have a testimony of this gospel. I am grateful for the time I get to spend in strengthening my testimony and bearing witness of the truthfulness of the gospel constantly. It is my hope for all of you to look for ways that you can serve and uplift each other. Continue to pray and read the scriptures-- ) am about 60 pages away from finishing it for the 1st time since being a missionary, I can hardly stand to put it down!!) Be happy and know that the joy comes from doing the right things. Try to keep moving forward and not backwards. I am doing my best out here and am working hard! I love the work! Love you all!!!!

Sister Glasgow

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