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Monday, June 7, 2010

Pray for us!

Hey all!!
Well this week has been alright. We are having a finding activity on Thursday night and i am so pumped! The whole zone is going to come to our area for 2 hours that night and visit less actives, members and former investigators. We are just gonna hit it hard. There will be 24 missionaries coming and they all have a member to go on splits with. I am so grateful for all the missionaries to help us find new investigators. I am just praying that we can find people to teach. I like teaching the lessons to the members in the ward, but I know that we need these investigators! Pray for our area this week that we will find people that are open and ready for the message! We went knocking on doors this week and actually sang to a man at his doorstep. It was really powerful. A lot of times people feel the spirit and they feel a little uncomfortable cause they don't know what the feeling is and they back away.... It is hard to express to them the way that that is the truth telling them to accept the message, it gets frustrating. I was struggling this week with not feeling like my words were touching the hearts of anyone I spoke with. It was an off week for me. President called me and chatted with me for a few minutes. He told me that I won't know everything over night (that is how I wish it would work) but I need to strive to learn each day. Take it one day at a time. He assured me that things will get better and that I just need to keep going. That is what I am doing. Last night I got a call from our district leader- Elder Peterson, and he asked me if he could give me a blessing. I didn't even think about that. I was so grateful that he was inspired to ask me that. I know that the Lord wants to help me, so I am working on humbling myself and asking in faith for things to happen. I want to help everyone I meet but I feel like I can't unless I have a better attitude and outlook on things. I know that I am being blessed and protected. Things will get better, I know they will!
So onto a more positive note and funny story. Elder Peterson and I are having a challenge. No sugar for this transfer---- 6 weeks! We started a week ago and i am not going to lose. If I lose I have to buy him and his companion lunch. Plus at zone conference in front of all the missionaries I have to tell them that i lost and tell them all the good things about him. I am not going to lose this bet!!! He is pretty determined too, so we will see how it goes. I am so glad I am doing this cause I used to have dessert almost everynight! So not good for my waist line!! Funny story-- We were tracting and we came to a house with a gate and I usually am very cautious cause most people have dogs when they have gates around there house. So I started to look around and Sister Abbott looks at me and says "How desperate are you?" (She knows how much I hate dogs so she was kinda laughing at me cause I was nervous to go in the gate) My reply "I will take a bite for an investigator.... No, a bite for a baptism!!!" haha we had a good laugh. Too bad i didn't get a bite, investigator or baptism. We are desperate so we are trying to switch things up a bit. We are going to bring Sister Abbott's ukulele with us to tract and we are going to challenge everyone to baptism. We are promising ourselves success this transfer. I want to make this the best transfer of my mission!!!
Well my time is running low, but I just want to everyone that has written me and been praying for me! I love hearing from all of you, it lifts me up on the good and bad days :)!!! I am doing great, no worrying about me. Just keep doing what you are doing!
We get to hike to the top of Table Rock this afternoon. Some Young Women in our ward want to take us so that will be awesome! I hear that the view is beautiful so I will send pics next week. It is a regular p-day next Monday so I will write again in a week!! I love you all!!!!!!

Sister Glasgow!! XOXOXOXO

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