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Monday, May 23, 2011

Week of Trials- May 22, 2011

This week seemed to be full of trials. I love those kinda weeks.
Delbert came back from his sister's funeral. He was so bummed and had
a really hard time with it. We taught him about the Law of Chastity.
He is still married to someone, but living with another lady that he
caretakes. He had to call a member of the mission presidency and he
has to wait to get his divorce to go thru before he can move forward
with his baptism. He also has to write a letter to the first
presidency because of his past... He was absolutely heartbroken when
he found out. Gosh, I feel so bad for him. To put some icing on the
cake, his son was riding his bike down the street and someone hit him
and tried to kill him. He is in the hospital with brain damage and
isn't sure if he is gonna make it. Delbert has gone thru so much
stuff. He is being tested right now. He is so strong. We asked him how
strong his faith was on a 1-10 scale. He said 20. He amazes me. We had
a good lesson with him and S. Kaufusi bore a strong testimony telling
him that Heavenly Father is gonna send him a miracle. We will continue
to meet with him and help him out.
We are finding and teaching people, but nothing really solid has come
of it yet. I kinda felt like we were going around in circles this
week. I realized that I need to have more faith that we can find
people that are ready to be taught and enter the waters of baptism.
There are about 9,000 people in this area, why can't we find people?
The Lord knows my heart and my desires and I hope that we can continue
to work hard and be lead to those who are truly seeking the truth.
I got to go on exchanges with S. NELSON!!! Omg it was so much fun!! I
loved seeing her again! We got to teach this girl Krystal and she is
so solid. We taught her the plan of salvation. She asked all the right
questions. She said, "what kind of step do I need to take right now?"
Our reply, "be baptized!" She accepted. Wow. I love when things like
that happen. At the end of the lesson I told S. Nelson how badly I
wish I could be her comp again. We teach so well together and I miss
that. I know that I am with S. Kaufusi for a reason, and I am working
on teaching in unity with her. S. Nelson and I had a lot of fun and I
can't wait to see her again in 2 weeks at Zone Conference!
Stephanie Morelock sent me a wedding invitation. They are getting
married on the 4th. I am gonna see if I can head up to Eugene for the
wedding!! Steph wrote me and said that her and Omar believe I was sent
to Eugene for Steph. That melted my heart to hear that. I love her and
Omar and am so glad that I get to be friends with them!!
Today we get to go to the Wildlife Safari. We are teaching a man that
works there. He is taking us behind the scenes with all the bears,
elephants, tigers, lions, cheetahs, and rhinos. I am so STOKED! Pics
will come next week!!
Love you all!!

Love Sister Glasgow

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