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55 W. 29th Ave. Ste. A
Eugene, OR 97405
or email me @ aubrey.glasgow@myldsmail.net

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hello family and friends!
I am emailing kinda early-- we have A LOT of things to do today!
I am looking forward to Emma's baptism on Saturday. She is SOOO excited. Every time I see her she has a HUGE grin on her face. She is this cute red headed, freckle faced girl. I love her so much! She was so excited to get her program all assigned-- I don't think she is going to sleep very much this week or maybe at all on Friday night. Last night she was dancing around the room :). I love seeing the change in people as they make steps, keep commitments and beam with the Light of Christ. Her family is very supportive of her and they are thrilled that she has made the decision to get baptized!
Kevin and Robin are still progressing towards baptism. We went over to talk with them a few night ago and Kevin left early. I was kinda bothered that he left in the middle, especially cause we were talking about baptism. I later realized that he left cause he didn't want to put any pressure on Robin. Kevin told us that he is ready to get baptized and has been ready for about 2 weeks. He wants Robin to be baptized too, but knows that she will be ready when the time is right. We helped Robin clean out her garage and move things into their house. Last night Robin told us that she feels ready to be baptized. The last time she took the lessons she felt she was just doing it for her family, but this time is completely different. She told us of her experience... in her words: "I struggle with my faith. I never know if it is really God helping me or if it is just coincidence. I have always gone back and forth between science and evolution and having an actual God. Well I made a deal with God. I told him that if he was real, that he would show me by sending someone to me. Well then, you showed up. I have thought a lot about this and their is no scientific answer that will back it up. I know that he answered my prayer." YESSSS!!! It was amazing to hear that from her! We spoke to her about faith and her eyes were opened and she learned so much. They are praying about the date in November... I kinda jokingly told Kevin that we could have a baptismal service for him in a couple days.. haha! I love this family so much. They have been so amazing to teach. I learn so much from their family. They have so much strength and power and they teach their kids in righteousness. I am glad that I met them :)
I got a call from Sister Longhurst in Central Point this week. She told me that Nate Baker got baptized!! I was so happy for him and his family! He was kinda cynical when I left and I guess he listened to General conference and was really touched by it. There family is working towards the temple and hopefully his 4 girls will get baptized with their mothers consent. I love hearing about my old area and getting to find out the work that is being done.
We had stake conference yesterday. It was a broadcast for 36 stakes in Oregon. We got to hear from Elder Pieper, Elder Hales, Sister Dalton and President Uchtdorf. I was grateful to hear from them. We also attended the adult session on Saturday night. I was able to listen to powerful testimonies about the Temple. I can't wait to go back!
We had a District meeting on Friday. The more and more I am on my mission the more I learn about service and love. Those two things have brought me where I am today. I reflect on the times when I have been so happy, and it is because I love the Lord. When we got baptized we covenanted with God that we would take upon ourselves the name of Christ. That means all of his attributes, qualities and characteristics. We ultimately become one with him-- the word atonement= at one faith. I am grateful for the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on my behalf. I make so many mistakes and I know that I can be free from those burdens, guilt and sorrow. I am here as a missionary to say the things that he would say, do the things that he would do and be the person that he is. I am grateful that he has given me the opportunity to serve among his children. What a joy it brings me to be here in Oregon! Thank you all for all that you do! I love hearing from you and appreciate the love and prayers!! Peace from Oregon... until next week :)!!!

Love Sister Glasgow XOXOXO

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