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Monday, January 10, 2011

What an amazing daughter we have!

Hey all!!

So Homer was baptized this weekend. It was sooo good. Homer totally changed the moment he came out of the water. His countenance was brighter and clearer. I love seeing that change! Homer invited his nonmember dad and less active step mom to the baptism. They enjoyed it! His dad came back on Sunday for the confirmation. They expressed how it was great to see a change in Homer over a 3 week period. They were proud of his decision. Our ward mission leader gave his dad a bom and told him that we would be by to talk to him about it. I pray that he will be open and receptive to the message!! Homer really wants his parents to be in the church!! He is already being a missionary! Our recent convert Luke gave the baptism talk. He did great!! He has only been a member for like 1 month and a half and he did better than most members would do. :) He was nervous, but he spoke from his heart and you could see the love for the gospel in him as he spoke. We went to see Luke a couple days before the baptism to help with his talk and he was already done. I felt so useless as a missionary. He has made so much progress and is a full fledged member. That is how it is supposed to work. Basically Luke told us to not come over anymore-- in a nutshell at least. I am grateful for baptisms. They are so special and every time I am at one I just feel so blessed to remember my baptism and realize the importance of the gospel in my life. It is a huge, life change, but oh so worth it!!
Brant and April are still going strong. We went over today and Brant hasn't smoked in over a week. A couple days ago he was chewing on some "Snus" and we took it away from him... he gave into it. haha. They are excited to be baptized and told us reasons why they wanted to be baptized. They both have testimonies of the gospel and about families. It was touching to hear their answers to the questions. They are nervous for marriage on the 27th, but know that the Lord will provide. They still don't have jobs and are running out of money. Pray for this family!!
Tiffany, Thomas, Shelby and Jim Nunn all came to church on Sunday!! They were really nervous to come, but they showed up a half hour early so they could beat the crowd. BUT there was no way around it, everyone was so friendly and wanted to meet them!! Tiffany told us that she had her prayers answered when S. Nelson and I showed up at her doorstep a few weeks ago. Feels good to know that people see that prayers are answered. They are getting baptized the first week in February!!
So we have P-Day from 2-9pm today because..... WE GET TO WATCH THE DUCKS GAME!!!! I was shocked when we got the message about it!! I can't wait to see my Ducks play. Nelson, Abbott and i are sporting our green and yellow shirts and finger nails today. haha!! It is gonna be a blast. Go Ducks!!
We had a great Combined District meeting this week. We brainstormed ways in how we can find, teach and baptize someone by the end of this month. We have a week to do it. We have some great goals set and have already found some awesome people to teach from it. I'm grateful that the Lord has prepared this area for 3 sisters to be here. There is a lot of work to do!!
I hope you all have a fantastic week. I know that missionary work needs to happen. People are hungry and starving for truth. Share your testimonies.. it will bring so much joy. Never been happier in my life :) Love you all!!

Love Sister Glasgow XOXO

Thank you mom for always updating my blog. People always write to tell me that they get to read it and be updated on my blog. I appreciate you so much
Sorry Brighten that I don't have time to email you back, but I am anxiously waiting that package of clothes... that will be like another xmas for me :)
Hope all the family is doing well... i am not homesick, focusing on my mission. So much better than being sad and wishing I could see you all. I care and miss you all, but not enough to mope about it!! Love ya!!

Love Sister Glasgow XOXO... oh yeah and a big hug is coming thru the email as I send this!

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