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Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4, 2011

We got to meet our new Mission President Young!! He is so great! The
second I saw him I got goosebumps and just knew that he was my new
pres. It was a great confirmation. He and his wife are just fabulous!
They are a lot like the MacDonalds. We get to have interviews this
week. I'm excited to talk with him more one on one. The first thing he
said to me was, "Sister Glasgow, you don't look like you did in your
picture." haha, hopefully I haven't changed too much from when I left.
:) He laughed and said I looked better. ha. He is so positive and
really wants to get the work going. He really put the fire in us to go
out and baptize Oregon. This will be a wonderful change. He talked a
little about the MacDonalds and told us they were crying as they
pulled out of their driveway. As he spoke, I just started crying. My
eyes wouldn't stop watering. I wasn't expecting that at all. I really
miss PMac, but am grateful to have a new Pres for a little bit. We had
a discussion about "Days Never to Be Forgotten." These truly are days
that are sometimes long, hard and trying, but I will NEVER forget the
time I have had to serve the Lord. I was able to reflect on the
desires that I have in my life and I know that thru prayer and
laboring with diligence, those things can be granted as we have faith.
What are our desires? Enos 1;12.
I had one of the worst door slams of my mission thus far. It was
pretty funny. A girl answered the door and we said "How are you doing
today?" Her reply, "It would be a lot better if you would stop
interrupting me!!!" They she slammed the door super hard in our faces.
I just walked away laughing. She then came back out and said, "You
know what, it would be so much better if you would tell your people to
stay the "F" off of my property!!" Then she proceeded to go back and
slam the door again. It was great. I love rude people that cuss me
out. :) I also got bit by a dog this week... twice. haha. Only one of
them broke thru my skin. Nothing bad. But things are really looking
up... I promise. :)
We felt a very strong prompting to go see Delbert at the beginning of
the week. We stopped by and he told us he had stopped drinking and
smoking! What!? He didn't smell like alcohol like usual. His whole
body and lips were uncontrollably shaking because of the withdrawals.
He was having a huge battle with demons during his sleep and he prayed
and he has slept peacefully since. He is reading in the BOM; already
up to the end of 2 Nephi. He loves Lehi. It was like a 100% turn
around. He also had his divorce go thru! It was a huge answer to all
of our prayers. He came to church and even bore his testimony. I was
kinda scared that he would say something off, but it was the best
testimony the whole sacrament meeting. I was blown away. The spirit
was really strong. Oh yeah and he came to a baptism up in Roseburg
with us and some members. Afterward he just went on and on about how
cool it will be for him to be baptized some day. Too many miracles to
even count. I feel so blessed to be seeing so many wonderful things on
my mission!!
Destiny told us that she talked to her husband about baptism and she
wants to learn and work towards it. Say what?! So cool! Wow, I am just
completely in awe at how good my Heavenly Father has been to me.
We had dinner with the Buckmans and they invited Janice over!! We
haven't seen her in about 2 weeks. She isn't interested in being
taught, but it was great to talk with her and catch up with her.
Well I got to see S. Nelson again. We had a fun time going on
exchanges. Love that girl. I am so grateful for my wonderful
companions. They have all taught me things that I will never forget.
S. Kaufusi and I are doing just great. We are climbing out of the hole
and really getting to see some amazing things. :)
I love you all!! Happy 4th of July!

Love Sister Glasgow

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