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Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2nd

Hello family and friends!!!
This week was fantastic!! Kayla Shiflett was baptized on Saturday and confirmed on Sunday. It was so neat!! The Milhoan family was a do not contact family for many years, but in September the Sisters went and contacted them, they reactivated them and they had there 16 year old son, Mathew baptized. He took the New member lessons afterwards and that is when I came to Oregon. Tony, the 21 year old son and his 18 year old gf, Kayla, would sometime sit in on the lesson and so at the last lesson- Endure to the End- I decided that we needed to invite Kayla to take the lessons. She accepted and we taught her in about 3 weeks and now she is baptized. She was nervous that she was going to slip and fall down the stairs, she is almost 6 ft 4 in and the water came up to her thighs, I was scared that she would have to lay down in the water so she could go completely under, but the Lord heard our prayers and everything went great!!! Oh yeah and the best part is that Kayla was baptized by Mathew, he was baptized in November. It was a great experience for him. Her bf Tony, works on sundays, so he can't go to church yet, but he has a testimony and it has been strengthened by seeing Kayla take the lessons. So cool. She was so happy and looked great in the white gown. She was trying not to smile from ear to ear. She was so happy to know that her Heavenly Father has a plan for all of his children, including her and her family now and in the future. She has really loved learning about her Savior and how he suffered and died for her. She has had some things in the past that weren't too good, but she knows that because of the savior, we can repent and become clean of our sins. The Savior is merciful and loving. This gospel is for everyone!! It was great to see the change in her as she continued to read, pray, come to church and repent. Ah it was awesome. At the baptism I sang the song "Child of Light." The spirit was so strong and I felt my saviors love for each of us in attendance at the baptism. Awesome.
We had an apt with Leiza on Monday. We asked her what her fears, hopes and desires were. She wants to do good and be happy, but her boyfriend isn't really on teh same page as her. We had a great lesson on the Restoration. We set up another apt, but she cancelled cause she was still at the docs office, we haven't gotten a hold of her yet but plan on talking with her again this week. She is great!!
Saturday night was cool. We talked to Buddy again. He has been reading the book of mormon. He's the man from the Philippeans. Brother Marre let us have the lesson in him home and he translated from tagolac to english. What a neat experience to do this. We talked about the Restoration and he really understands. He still has a lot of questions and wants to know where all the stuff we talk about it found in the scriptures. Anyways, we have another appt with him in the Marres home on Saturday. The Marres son is betting baptized on Sunday and they invited Buddy so we are going to support and ask him if he wants to be baptized. The work is awesome!!
We had a district meeting on Thursday. It was really cool. we talked about recieving revelation from the book of Mormon. We did some role plays on teh other missionaries. Wow, those were very powerful. I was able to bear my testimony and was so overwhelmed with the spirit. I know that the book of mormon and anyone who sincerely reads and prays and wants to know if it is true will receive an answer. The spirit teaches truth and light and good things. The book of mormon is good and true. As we were having a discussion it was interesting to hear all the missionaries talk. I almost felt like we were trying to convert each other because we all just have a deep love for the scriptures and for the people we are teaching and we want everyone to know this message. This is the greatest message that anyone in the world will ever hear. We have a pretty big claim and people can know by reading and praying. Ah it is great. My testimony has been strengthened so much from reading the scriptures. I love the people and there is so much to learn.
We rode bikes this week. We have a certain amount of miles allotted each month and we were getting really low. S. Longhurst has a bike and I borrowed one from Sister and Brother Baskin (they are the ones that I live with) The bike is really small for someone as tall as me. Sister Baskin in like 5 ft tall. haha. I had the seat up all the way and it still wasn't high enough for my legs. We had some good laughs. Oh yeah and to make matters worse, the brakes didn't work too well, my shoes and my feet were my brakes. Probably not too safe, but I was praying and was blessed. I was grateful to ride a bike. I don't like doing it in a skirt that much, but it was great to be able to stop and talk to everyone that we rode past. I was nervous that my skirt would get caught in the wheel, but it actually stayed away from the wheel and I didn't have a problem. The heat got to us and we were SWEATY. Gosh my arms were dripping. Dad you will appreciate this- Do you remember when you would come home from work and you told us kids to lick your arm cause it tasted good? So we believed you and did it, well turns out it was all salty. haha, well I tested this on myself after I rode my bike. Yep it was salty. S. Longhurst and I had a good laugh about that one!! I was just being silly. It is the start of a new month and that means more miles, so we won't be on bikes for at least the next couple weeks. It was great experience.
That reminds me of a joke someone told us while we were tracting. This man said you can tell your a Mormon when you end your sentences or trials with "It was a good experience." haha how true!! I am so grateful for all the things that I have gone through. I wouldn't change them, because they are making me more happy and stronger. I have come closer to my Savior and i love being a missionary. I am so grateful to be amongst an army of missionaries. This is a great work and I love being apart of it.
Thank you all for the love and support! I love you all!!! Take care and I will hear from you next week. Oh yeah and I get to go to the Medford Temple on Wednesday!! I can't wait to go again!!!
Love Sister Glasgow XOXOXOXO

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