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Monday, August 30, 2010

I am in Eugene!!

So I got transferred to EUGENE!!! I am actually just outside of Eugene in Santa Clara, Harrisburg and Junction City. We live in an apt in Eugene. My comp is Sister Stoehr!!!!! I love her so much!! We were in the same district in the MTC! I can't believe how much greener it is here than in Central Point. It is a whole other world in Eugene. Oh man this week was a blast. First off I didn't even know where I was going until Tuesday night, and even then, we weren't totally positive. I rode on the transfer van with 9 other missionaries. I got to sit up front and talk with Elder Jestes from Mesa. He went to Mountain View. It was refreshing to finally talk to someone that knows about Mesa. We had about a 3 hour drive North. We got to the transfer spot and waited until both Sister Smiths and I's comps came and got us. I had to use the restroom, so when I came out.... I saw Sister Holly Losee!!!! Oh my gosh it was so good to see her. The elders thought we were crazy cause we ran down the hall and hugged each other. I love seeing familiar faces. I feel like I am on vacation with her and Sister Stoehr (it is pronounced Steer)!! I love it here.
Eugene is much cooler. It has already rained since I have been here. I went from the hottest part of the mission to the rain. Everyone says that it won't be long before I won't see the sun for 9 months.... I am alright with that. There are some pretty interesting people here. Not as conservative as the south, but I love it. Harrisburg reaks like moldy broccoli, no lie... it is pretty disgusting. Eugene has moss all over the place, trees, buildings, roofs, sidewalk... all over the place!! It feels so good to be in a new area and we have worked so hard this week and it payed off!!
Before I got here, the sisters met Stephanie at church. She is dating a member and wanted to learn more. she grew up baptist and took an interest in what her boyfriend believe. We had a lesson this week and the spirit was so strong. Stephanie told us that she went to the temple grounds one time and it just felt so right and good. She also said that the things that we talked about all sounded familiar to her... say what?? That was so cool to hear her say that. She had already read 30 pages in the book of Mormon and is really wanting this in her life. We had a wonderful lesson and we invited her to be baptized on the 18th.... the spirit is amazing. I was talking with her and before i knew it, I was inviting her to be baptized. The words just came out so clear and she understood. It was great!! Everyone in the lesson had tears in there eyes and Stephanie accepted. Wow. It was awesome!! i love being a missionary!
The sisters had been meeting with a less active woman, Jewel. We went to see here the day I got here in Eugene and she told us that her boyfriend, Eric wanted to take the discussions. We were floored.... We had to get to our dinner apt so we told them we would be back. We came back and taught about the Restoration. Eric is really grasping these principles and trying to understand these things. He sees that they have made a difference in Jewels life and he wants that for himself. We had another leson with him last night. We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Eric loved learning about Repentance and Baptism. He is looking for more in his life and is trying to find out what is missing. He told us that he wanted to be baptized eventually. We know that he will be ready soon!!! Ahh it is great!
The sisters met Vince back in July, but they forgot to go back to him.... sad!! That is not supposed to happen. Well we went to visit him this week. He lives with his less active grandparents. He is 20 and is interested in learning about the church. We taught the Restoration and have another appointment with him tomorrow. We aren't sure if he is doing it cause 2 girls are teaching him... we will be passing him over to the Elders to teach if he seems more interested in the church. haha funny people I tell ya...oh yeah that reminds me. On tuesday, the day before I left, we talked with Julia and Robbie. They are teenagers and told us that there mom passed away and they wanted to see her again, we taught the Plan of Salvation. Well they were kinda in lala land and didn't really pay attention, but we told them to give us a call when they wanted to learn more. Robbie asked Sister Longhurst if he could have my number... gross. I am glad that I am not in that area anymore... funny!
Alright so here is another cool thing that happened. The sisters serving in Sweet Home called and said they talked to a man, Brad, and they gave us his phone number. We called him up and had an appointment with him last night. He and his wife, Jackie, were very interested and I love them so much already!! They are the kind of people that just click with things and they want to know and they are just great!! We talked a lot about the Restoration. Jackie then asked us what sealed was. We had a great talk about the temple and things went so good. We are going back this week! They also have a 6 year old daughter, Gracie, who is a doll!! I love meeting people like that!!
Miracles after miracles. I read a talk and we should be expecting miracles. When we are obedient, the Lord sees and he blesses us. I love these experiences. My testimony has been strengthened x's 19034759466584306767. With the help of the Lord, we can see those miracles. IT IS AMAZING!!
So things are happening here in Eugene... I love the area!!! I am so happy to serve here with Sister Stoehr, she is from Greenbay, Wisconsin! We have lots of fun... aka like last night we went into the bathroom and this mongo spider was crawling towards us, so what did we do?? Scream and jump on our beds. . we went back and forth about who would kill it. We threw shoes and toys at it, but it was huge and would run the other way. I finally got enough courage to climb up on the counter and kill the huge nasty spider... There are so many spiders here, it is nuts!!
Anyways, hopefully the suspense wasn't too bad. I love you all!! I hope you have a fantastic week!!! You are all in my prayers :) Be happy and share the gospel!! Member missionaries are the best way to do missionary work!! Welp I love you all!!! Talk to you in a week!!!

Love Sister Glasgow!! XOXOXO

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