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55 W. 29th Ave. Ste. A
Eugene, OR 97405
or email me @ aubrey.glasgow@myldsmail.net

Monday, August 9, 2010

august 9th

This week was great! We are working with so many potential investigators, but they won't come to church! Ah man I think that is one of the most frustrating things in the whole world! Haha, they are so awesome.
We talked to a lady on Monday, her name is Valerie. She is married with 2 boys and was so sincere when she spoke with us. We talked to her for about 1 hour and a half on Monday and then set up another time on Tuesday to come back. We went on Tuesday with a member of the ward, Sister Jentzch. She was AWESOME!! Valerie is really looking for that light and truth, but she wants us to make the decision for her. She is really scared what her husband and friends and family will think if she decides to do the "mormon thing". We talked about the Restoration, prayer, the book of mormon, temples.... and the list goes on. She asked very good questions and we were blessed to answer them in a way that she could understand. She cried to us a couple times, because she knows she needs to do something more in her life, but doesn't know how to put her faith in Jesus Christ and make the leap. Ah she is great. We are seeing her again this week.
We met Jeremy on Friday afternoon. We talked for a few minutes and he invited us to come back the next day. He has made some bad decisions in his life and wants to make a change. We taught him about Heavenly Fathers love for each of us. He was so touched by the spirit and we invited him to be baptized on August 28th!! I am so excited for him. I know that as he continues to pray, read, come to church and quit some of the word of wisdom issues, he will be so much happier.
We met with Buddy- the philipino man, and he decided that he wants more time to read the book of mormon before he meets with us again. I guess the church he goes to is very anti- mormon and so Bro. Marre is going to continue to talk with him each week and discuss the things that he is learning.. he will be ready soon.
I want to tell you of a very powerful experience that I will never forget. This last week on Monday and Tuesday I was searching for things to help strengthen my testimony and my faith in Jesus Christ. I felt like I was searching for light in a dark room. I couldn't understand why I wasn't able to feel the spirit and it bothered me. Well on Wednesday we went to the temple and that definately filled up my bucket, but I was continuing to help solidify and confirm my testimony even more. So on Wednesday night at about 8pm we knocked on a house. A man came out and we started talking to him and then I just started to feel surrounded by an evil spirit and it was very disturbing. He preached and talked about wicked things happening in the world and the things that he was practicing was just down right bad. Oh wow I hated being on that doorstep. I felt like he was trying to lure us into his deceitfulness. Gosh I just wanted to run away. He just kept talking and talking and i just kept praying and praying. He started to sing to us and man that did it, I just wanted to sink down and cave in. I then started to hum I know that my redeemer lives. i don't know if he heard me, but this brought me some hope and good feelings. I tried to tune him out for the time that he was talking to us. We finally bore our testimonies and left.... we practically ran to our car. We were there for a good 45 min or so. (on the front porch) We got into the car and I was so bothered by the things that he said. I couldn't get the thoughts out of my mind. I looked at S. Longurst and we both agreed to say a prayer. She said one of the most powerful prayers I have ever heard. I felt like we were surrounded by a huge fluffy warm blanket. I knew that Heavenly Father poured out his spirit on us and we were able to be comforted. We cried for awhile and expressed our feelings of how grateful we were that we didn't have to live in the darkness and that we know that this church, the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints is true. This strengthened my testimony and was something that I didn't really want to experience in order to help build my faith, courage and testimony, but the Lord knew that this was what I needed. I am so grateful to be a member of the church. I know that this is how we can find true happiness. S. Longurst and I get a good laugh about that experience and I honestly do not remember half the things that man said. I remember the overwhelming spirit I felt after and being able to listen to the hymn I Believe in Christ on the way home that night. It turned out to be a very wonderful experience.
Last Monday we went Miniature golfing with the other Elders. Man, it reminded me of going to Golf Land to goofy golf, good times. The elders are lots of fun.... see pictures. :)
Anyways this week was good. We worked so hard in trying to find new investegators. We were diligent in talking with everyone that we saw. As a mission, we have a goal to talk to 20 people everyday... the people outside (aside from tracting) This has been great. We almost met our goal this week and we are going to strive to beat the goal this week.
I am so grateful to be here in Oregon. I hope that you have all had a wonderful summer. I know that this summer has been great for me, a little more hot and humid than I was expecting, but I guess this will help me to appreciate the rain in the next months. haha. Well I love you all!!! Have a great week!

Love Sister Glasgow XOXO
btw... Michelle and Dennis I got your letter, you forgot the period in between my first and last name... my email address is aubrey.glasgow@myldsmail.net Thanks for all the letters, love and support... keep em coming :)

pics from mini golfing, temple day with our zone, the yummy treat from Wildflower Grille from Gramma, Blaine and Mom-- I LOVE it!!! It was a perfect package :) yummy!!!! THANK YOU!

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