I Love letters! Write me at:

55 W. 29th Ave. Ste. A
Eugene, OR 97405
or email me @ aubrey.glasgow@myldsmail.net

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hello Family and Friends!!
I miss and love you all!! How is everyone doing?? I hope your summer was great and good luck to all those going back to school... glad I don't have to do that right now :) Sorry if this letter is a little boring our short, but I usually make a list of things that happens during the week so that when I come to the computer I can just type real fast all the things that happened, but I forgot my paper and planner, so I am going off of my brain :)
Where to begin......
Well we have worked so hard this week. We found so many potential investigators, but the reality is that people don't want to make commitments. It is hard to get people to church, to read, pray and meet with us a second time. I have gotten kinda frustrating cause people are so golden and solid, and then they flake. It isn't cool at all.
We taught 5 people this week and none of them came to church. 3 of them had rides and they declined when the members tried to get them. We are going to work on getting people to see the need to change. They all like what we are teaching, but they are not being driven to make any changes. It is annoying to say the least!
This week I had a great experience when we taught Kayla one of the new member lessons. I was able to feel the spirit so strong and while we were teaching I got an answer to one of my prayers. I love that the Lord works through other people. I love it even more when they say something and I hear something totally different-- it speaks to my heart.
We went to Crater Lake and the Natural Bridge again today. I love both of these places, it was beautiful. We also went to the Rogue Gorge, another beautiful lookout. Basically Oregon is awesome and green and pretty. Kayla drove us up in her new Scion!! I felt like I was home again... it was weird and cool at the same time. We went with our zone and all had a blast!!
We had a district meeting this week with the Ashland District. It was awesome!! We learned about the importance of teaching people, not lessons. I think I get so caught up in teaching and telling the information and I forget that these are people and i need to address there concerns. It was a great training and at the end they had me get up in front of all the other Elders and do a role play. My heart was pounding, but I just prayed that I would have the spirit. Wow, it was so powerful. The spirit worked right through me. I have had some of the neatest experiences when we get to practice role playing to each other. This time was no exception. I really felt as if I was teaching one of my investigators and I was happy to get the practice :)
We found a former investigator, Dean on Friday night. We went back on Sunday night and taught him about the Restoration. He likes it all, but he also doesn't want to act on what he is learning and what he knows is right. We have another appointment with him this week. Jeremy declined going to church when the member picked him up, we will see him tomorrow to settle any issues that he has. We met with Roberto and Cristina this week. They both were found separately, they are married tho. haha they are very sweet and were super interested in what we were sharing with them, but we went by last night to double check that we were still good to come over tonight and they told us that they went to a different church and that they want to stick to the Bible. Gosh, Satan is so real. Wow we were a little devastated, but we are looking forward to finding more families to teach.... we are actually teaching a family tonight in the bishops home, nate and his 4 girls. he is married to a lady in the ward, should be great!!
We have a new Ward Mission leader in the central point 1st ward!! Brother Barber is going to be awesome!! his son is the Bishop in the ward.
I am so pumped for this week!!! We have zone conference tomorrow, exchanges that day till Wednesday night( I am going to White City and Eagle Point with S. Thain), then exchanges with the central point 1st ward on thurs, fri and sat for 2 hours a day!!! I know that when things are not moving and progressing, that we just need to try different things, so that is what we are changing and it will be awesome!!!
I want you to all know that I am so happy to be here. I know that Satan is working so hard on us and doesn't want us to succeed at anything. I also know that we have a loving heavenly father that wants the best for us. He hears and answers our prayers, always!! I am so lucky to live in this time, to be here in OR and serve as a missionary!! This is the best thing I could be doing!! Take care and i will write again in a week. Oh yeah transfers are next Tuesday and Wednesday so I will know if I am staying or leaving next monday... Love ya tons and bunches :)!!!! XOXOXOXO

Sister Glasgow

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