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55 W. 29th Ave. Ste. A
Eugene, OR 97405
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Monday, September 6, 2010

What a week!!

Hello everybody!!
Well this week was a whirlpool of finding, cancelling appointments, combined district meeting, a bad day and lots of other things.
We had a lesson with Stephanie again on Tuesday night. We taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She really likes all that we talk about, but is soooo shy. We barely get a peep out of her. At the end of the lesson she broke down and told us that she wasn't going to be baptized on the 18Th. I felt like I was in a dream when she told us. My jaw was probably on the floor.... wow. That was rough to hear. I was completely devastated :(. She had to leave right when she told us that, so we still haven't been able to find out the concerns. She did say that she would be baptized, but not that soon. I still pray for her and know that everything will work out.... she is GOLDEN I tell ya!!
Eric is a whole other story... where do I even begin with him. He had a job interview this week, so on Wednesday we decided to go and see how it went. He was outside smoking and talking to us about how he found God and that he had faith. We were so happy for him, but there was something that was a little off about the things that he was telling us. I didn't feel the spirit while he was talking. Well to make a LONG story short, he basically told us that he was able to find God, while he smoked pot with his friend Robbie the whole night. Gosh. Really Eric? That was so crazy to hear. He said that he knew that God allowed him to use Pot to get him to find his friend Robbie so they could find God together. WHAT?? Oh man, it was really hard to talk with him after that. He went off on the Word of Wisdom..... anyways. He told us that he still would like to meet with us, but he is going to look at other religions too. A pastor and his wife went and visited with him last night. We were pretty bummed when he told us. That is one of the things that really threw off our day on Wednesday. It was such a bum day. We tracted, OYM'd, and had appointments that day. No one was home, we were soaked because it rained on us for a good 3 hours(mom and dad-- we don't use umbrellas here, none of the missionaries use them). It was a day that I hope doesn't happen again.
So on Saturday morning to mid afternoon I went on exchanges with Sister Nichols. I went into the heart of Eugene. Sister Nichols covers the University. It was cool to see all the college kids and craziness of Eugene. The bus stop was my favorite,,, all kinds of kooks :) I loved it. We had such an amazing experience. We went to some apartments and we only ahd about 20 minutes. I decided to go to Letter G Apts. The first couple doors we knocked on no one was home, but then we came to Justins house. He opened the door and looked so surprised to see us. We found out that the Elders in the ward had been teaching him. The elders told him to pray to receive answers about some of the things happening in his life. i guess that strange and bad things were happening, nothing was going right. Justin told us that he started to blame God and was angry. We were able to bear our testimonies and encouraged him to continue praying, Satan knows that it is good and he doesn't want us to pray. It was a blessing to be in that area at that time to help him. I love being a missionary.
Had a 2 great lessons with Vince this week. We took Catherine, a girl from the singles ward with us to the apt. She served a mission a few years ago and was awesome!! She invited him to church and they went yesterday. We are sad that we have to pass him over to the elders in the singles ward... bummer. He is truly learning and taking everything in. I know he will be baptized soon.
Yesterday at church was great!! I spoke on the phone to a former investigator a few days prior to Sunday and invited her to church..... she came!! It was awesome. She is so solid. She has read the BOM, Doctrine and covenants and is reading the Pearl of Great Price right now. She is hung up on the Word of Wisdom... coffee and tea. We have an appointment with her this week. It was an answer to my prayers to have her at church. The testimonies borne were all about how we can be strengthened and how we can know for ourselves. Sweet..... side note. The lady that taught the relief society lesson started out her lesson by singing to us. Then all throughout her talk she sang I am a Child of God. It was weird and I felt so uncomfortable. I felt like I was in high school musical church style... random.
BRAD AND JACKIE are sooooo cool!!! Oh man they are awesome!! We had 2 lessons with them this week. On Sunday night we took Brother Gambee, a ward missionary, to our lesson. He was spot on with everything that they needed to hear. They both have a 6 year old, a dog and Bro Gambee used to live in the same apt complex as Brad and Jackie. It was a blessing to have him there and have him bear his testimony about prayer and scripture study. He also opened there eyes to the Pre-mortal Life. I was so grateful to him being there. It was sick!! Brad and Jackie love what we teach, we haven't set a date for baptism yet.... Jackie works every Sunday. Please pray that she can come to church. They are so good to us and I love being over at there house!! We invited them to pray with there daughter Gracie every night. They are scared to do it, but they accepted and we are excited to find out how it went... we have a couple apt with them this week :)
Alright, so this week had it's ups and downs. But I love it.
My apartment is gross. So many yucky spiders, I can't stand it!!! They are huge and they are everywhere!! Today, Sister Stoehr and I got rid of some of them. We cleaned really good and got rid of clutter from the missionaries that leave there crap behind.
We cover the Santa Clara 1st Ward and Junction City Ward. They both meet at 9am so we switch between the wards every other week. Every other day we are in Santa Clara or Junction City/ Harrisburg/ Monroe. The area is big!! The member struggle with helping the missionaries. We get fed by the members often. This area is so much different than Central Point and Goldhill. The temp is less, the trees are more green and a lot more of them, there is moss everywhere. The sun is still shining. It has only rained a few times since being here. It isn't cloudy, you can still see the blue sky.
This week was time for me to realize how important planning is. If we don't plan, we don't have success, appointments fall through, and we just have bad days. Although it isn't one of my favorite things to do, it is necessary and that is how we get the work done!! Ceds- hopefully you have learned this by now, cause I got smacked in the face with it.
Well family and friends, I love you all so much! i am learning more than I ever could imagine. I know the Savior atoned for each of us. He was perfect, yet he was willing to suffer all the pain, sickness, hurt and guilt. We don't get a free ride. We need to work at being better each day. We need to repent daily. We need Jesus Christ, it is the only way to happiness. I love being a missionary. The work is awesome!! My comp is fantastic and we are working and finding and teaching. So cool!!
Happy Labor Day to everyone!!
Miss and Love you all!!

Love Sister Glasgow

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