I Love letters! Write me at:

55 W. 29th Ave. Ste. A
Eugene, OR 97405
or email me @ aubrey.glasgow@myldsmail.net

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 6, 2010

To my family and friends that I love!!
This week was a lesson on patience. I need to work on it more and
more. Not the best week I have had on my mission, doesn't help that
last week was at the top of the list either. We are trying to find
more people to teach, but we have some grinch's up here. I have
studied a lot about patience and having faith thru trials, I feel like
Heavenly Father was preparing me for this week cause it was kinda
dumpy. Most of our apt's canceled on us each day. We were left out in
the freezing cold to tract and find people... We found a couple people
and we look forward to teaching them this week. The longer I am out on
my mission the more I realize how much I need His help. I am nothing
without the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have been able to reflect and
ponder about the Savior and the precious knowledge of the gospel that
I have. I get to talk to people everyday and teach them the truth...
the best news in the world!! We spoke to a man this week that didn't
want anything to do with us, my heart hurt so much for him. I want
everyone to feel the joy that I have experienced. Prayers are heard
and answered. We were able to pray for an increase of charity and
love for the people in Sweet Home. It has been difficult, and Satan is
working so hard to get us to give up and go quit. I am grateful that I
have a testimony of the gospel that keeps me going no matter how hard
or difficult things are.
We are still teaching Brant and April... they are going to start the
stop smoking program this next week. I am super stoked for them!! Last
night we spoke with April and I can see such a change in her. They
came to church and loved it again!
We got to listen to the Christmas Devotional last night. I loved the
story that President Monson told about the star.
I am so glad that I get to be on a mission this Christmas, it is going
to be a good one for sure. My comp and I put up a little santa hat and
stocking up in our room. We also put up the Happy Holiday's sign on
our car. I have been listening to the Christmas music from gramma.
Lots of people have been putting up lights on their houses.... they
all look like gingerbread houses. I wish more would do it.
We started teaching a class on sunday. It is called M3. Missionary
Minded Members. It is a way for members to do missionary work. It was
so awesome!! We have 6 couple in the class. It is a 6 week course and
by the end of it they will invite someone to church, give out a BOM,
bear testimony and hopefully we will be able to teach them. I am so
excited that the ward is pumped about it. We have some solid couples
that are taking it really serious. I had a great experience as we all
knelt down and prayed individually for friends and family that they
could share the gospel with. So many things are going to come from
this class... good things :)!!
We are going to Eugene today... We are gonna eat at the Olive Garden
and hang out there. I am WAY excited.... tempted to call up Steph so I
can see her again. Both Sister Nelson and I served in Eugene so we
can't wait to go back and spend some time with all the crazies :)!! Oh
yeah btw... I LOVE MY DUCKS!!!! They are undefeated and beat Oregon
State this weekend. It is a huge rivalry here, so Sister Nelson and I
showed our support for Oregon and painted our finger nails green and
yellow. Can't wait for them to go to the National Championship and
win!! Whoo hoo!!!
Hope you all have a great week. I love and miss you all!!
Canny-- glad that you had such a good bday, you are so grown up. How
tall are you now??
Morgieshmorgie is Preggo!!!! holy smokes I can't wait to see the
little Borgia baby when I come home!! Yippeeee congrats cousie!!!!

Love Sister Glasgow XOXO

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